

Build Strong Convictions

To remain morally chaste, we must recognize that following such a life-style is worthwhile.  This is in harmony with what the apostle Paul wrote to Christians in Rome:  "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."  (Romans 12:2)  Recognizing that moral chasteness is worthwhile involves more than simply knowing that immorality is condemned in God's Word.  It involves understanding the reasons why immorality is condemned and how we benefit by shunning it.  Some of these reasons were considered in the preceding article.

Really, though, for Christians the most powerful reasons for avoiding sexual immorality are derived from our relationship with God.  We have learned that he knows what is best for us.  Our love for him will help us to hate what is bad.  (Psalm 97:10) God is the Giver of "every good gift and every perfect  present."   (James 1:17) He loves us.  By our obedience to him, we show that we love him and  appreciate all that he has done for us.   (1 John 5:3)  Never do what we want to cause Jehovah disappointment and pain by breaking his righteous commands.  (Psalm 78:41) We do not desire to act in a manner that will cause his  holy and righteous way of worship to be spoken of abusively.  (Titus 2:5;  2 Peter 2:2) By remaining morally chaste, we make the Supreme One rejoice. -Proverbs 27:11.

Once we have resolved to remain morally chaste, a further protection is to make that conviction known to others.  Let people know that you are a servant of Jehovah God and that you are determined to maintain his high moral standards.  It is your life, your body, your choice.  What is at stake?  Your precious relationship with your  heavenly Father.  So make it clear that your moral integrity is not negotiable.  Be proud to represent God by upholding his principles.  (Psalm 64:10) Never be ashamed to discuss your moral convictions with others.  Speaking out can fortify you, protect you, and encourage others to follow your example. -1 Timothy 4:12.

Next, having determined to maintain a high moral standard and having  our position known, we much take measures to stick to our determination.  One way to do this is to be careful when choosing friends.  "He that is walking with wise person will become wise," states the Bible.  Associate with those who share your moral values;  "They will strengthen you.  This scripture also says:  "But he that is having dealings  with  the stupid ones will fare badly."  (Proverbs 13:20)  To the extent possible, avoid people who may weaken your resolve. - 1 Corinthians  15:33.

Further, we need to feed our minds on things that are true, serious, righteous, chaste, lovable, well spoken of, virtuous and praiseworthy.  (Philippians 4:8)  We do this by being selective in what we watch and read and in the music we listen to. To say that immoral literature does not exercise a corrupting influence is similar to saying that moral literature has no positive influence.  Remember, imperfect humans can easily fall into immorality.   So books, magazines, films and music that encourage sexual feelings will lead to wrong desires, and these my eventually lead to sin.  To maintain moral cleanness, we must fill our minds with Godly wisdom. -James 3:17.

Next time: Steps That Lead to Immorality

Watchtower, 2000

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