
How Does God's Spirit Operate Today?

Continue with "The Spirit of the Truth"

How did holy spirit operate as a teacher?  God's spirit opened the disciples' minds to things that they had previously heard from Jesus but had not fully understood.  For example, the apostles knew that during his trial, Jesus told the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate:  "My kingdom is no part of this world."  Yet, at the time of Jesus' ascension to heaven over 40 days later, the apostles still had  the mistaken view that the Kingdom would be established here on the earth.  (John 18:36; Acts1:6) Apparently, the apostles were not able to grasp fully the meaning of Jesus' words until after the outpouring of God's holy spirit at Pentecost 33 C.E.

God's spirit also served as a remembrancer by bringing back to mind the various teachings of Jesus.  Prophecies regarding Christ's death and resurrection, for instance, took on new meaning with the aid of holy spirit.  (Matthew 26:21; John 12:16)  Recalling Jesus' teachings enabled the apostles boldly to defend their position before kings, magistrates and religious leaders. -Mark 13:99-11; Acts 4:5-20.

Additionally, God's holy spirit helped to direct  early Christians to fruitful territory in the ministry.  (Acts 16:6-10) God's spirit also moved early Christians to share in writing God's Word, the Bible, for the benefit of all humankind.  (2 Timothy 3:16)  Clearly, then, holy spirit was active in a variety of ways in the first century.  It was not provided solely to perform miracles.

Next time: Holy Spirit in Our Day


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