

MODERN DAY witchcraft is hard to define.  This is because those who practice it vary so greatly.  They recognize no central authority or doctrine or holy  book to unify belief.  They also differ in tradition,  organization, ritual, and opinion as to what gods to honor.  Remarks one writer:  "The occult world offers to the individual a 'free marketplace' of ideas."  Says another:  "Most Neo-Pagans disagree on almost everything.

For many, the contradictions are not a problem.  One guidebook for aspiring witches states:  "When you're challenged with seemingly contradicting information, examine this information and make a decision as to which to follow.  Listen to your intuition.  In other words, feel free to pick and choose among the published rituals and ritual textbooks to decide what feels right."

For those who recognize the nature of truth, such contradictions are a problem.  Truth is fact,  that which is real.  Things are not true simply because a person feels or hopes or believes that they are true.  For example, at one time doctors believed that they could cure pneumonia by cutting a live chicken in two and laying the pieces on the patient's chest. Doubtless, many patients sincerely believed that this treatment would cure them.  Their beliefs and hopes, however, were not in harmony with fact-such a procedure does not cure pneumonia.  People do not create truth; they reach out to comprehend it.

The Bible claims to contain the truth about spiritual matters.  Jesus Christ, when on earth, said to his Father in prayer:  "Your word is truth."  (John 17:17)The apostle Paul wrote:  "All Scripture is inspired of God."  (2 Timothy 3:16) Many who practice witchcraft do not agree.  Instead, they look for inspiration and guidance in myth, ancient religions and even science fiction.  Is it not reasonable, though at least to consider what the Bible says?  After all, it is almost universally recognized as a holy book.  It is also one of the oldest religious texts that has survive.  The Bible was written over a periods of 1,600 years, yet is is  consistent throughout in its teachings.  Let us compare the Bible's teachings with some common beliefs currently expressed by those who promote witchcraft.

Next time: Who Dwell in the Spirit Realm?

Watchtower, 2000

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