
Discipline Reaps Fruitage

Although severe and deservedly so, Jehovah's discipline achieves the desired results, making mercy possible.  "I am the One that is wiping out your transgressions for my own sake, and your sins I shall not remember. Remind me; let us put ourselves  on judgment together; tell your own account of it in order that you may be in the right. Your own father, the first one, has sinned,  and your own spokesmen ["interpreters,"] have transgressed against me. So I shall profane the princes of the holy place, and I will give Jacob over as a man devoted to destruction and Israel over to words of abuse."  (Isaiah 43:25-28)  Like all the nations of the world, Israel descends from Adam, "the first one."  Hence, no Israelite can prove himself to be "in the right."  Even Israel's spokesmen"-her teachers, or interpreters, of the Law-have sinned against Jehovah and taught falsehoods. In turn, Jehovah will hand his entire nation over "to destruction" and "to words of abuse."  He will also profane all those  officiating at his "holy place," or sanctuary.

Notice, though, that the resulting divine mercy will not simply be because of Israel's contrition; it will be for Jehovah's own sake. Yes, his name is involved. Were he to abandon Israel to permanent exile, his own name would be reproached by onlookers.  (Psalm 79:9; Ezekiel 20:8-10)  Likewise today, the salvation of humans is secondary to the sanctification of Jehovah's name and the vindication of his sovereignty. Nonetheless, Jehovah loves those who accept his discipline without reservation and who worship him with spirit and truth.  He demonstrates  his love for these ones-whether anointed or other sheep-by wiping out their transgressions on the basis of the sacrifice  of Jesus Christ. -John 3:16; 4:23, 24. 

Furthermore, Jehovah will soon demonstrate his love for a  great crowd of his loyal worshipers when he does something new in their behalf  by delivering them through "the great tribulation" into a cleansed  "new earth."  (Revelation 7:14; 2 Peter 3:13)  They will witness the most awesome manifestation  of Jehovah's power ever seen by humans.  The certain prospect of that event causes the anointed remnant and all those who will make up the great crowd to rejoice and to live each day in accord with that lofty commission: "You are my witnesses."! -Isaiah 43:10.

Next time: The True God Foretells Deliverance, Chapter Five

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, Volume II, 2001

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