
'Jehovah Took Delight in Crushing Him'

The closing words of this part of Isaiah's prophecy teach something heartwarming about Jehovah: He values those who remain loyal to him.  This is indicated by the promise that he will "deal" the Messianic Servant  "a portion among the many."  These words are apparently derived from the custom of dividing spoils of war.  Jehovah appreciates the loyalty of "the many" faithful ones of ancient time, including Noah, Abraham, and Job, and he has reserved  "a portion" for them in his coming new world.  (Hebrews 11:13-16)  Similarly, he will deal out a portion  to his Messianic Servant.  Indeed, Jehovah will not let his integrity to unrewarded.  We too can rest assured that Jehovah will not 'forget our work and the love we show for his name.' -Hebrews 6:10.

God's Servant will also gain spoils of war by victory over his enemies.  He will share these spoils with "the mighty ones."  In the fulfillment, who are "the mighty ones"?  They are the first disciples of Jesus to conquer the world as he did-the 144,000 citizens of "the Israel of God."  (Galatians 6:16; John 16:33; Revelation 3:21; 14:1)  What, then, are the spoils?  Evidently, these include the "gifts in men,"  whom Jesus wrenches from Satan's control, as it were, and gives to the Christian congregation.  (Ephesians 4:8-12) The 144,000 "mighty ones" are also given a portion of another spoil.  By reason of their victory over the world, they wrest from Satan any basis for taunting God.  Their unbreakable devotion to Jehovah exalts him, making his heart rejoice.

Jesus was aware that he was fulfilling the prophecy about God's Servant.  On the night of his arrest, he quoted the words recorded at Isaiah 53:12 and applied them to himself:  "I tell you that this which is written must be accomplished in me, name, 'And he was reckoned with lawless ones.'  For that  which concerns me is having an accomplishment."  (Luke 22:36, 37)  Sadly, Jesus was indeed treated  like a lawless one. He was executed  as a lawbreaker, impaled between two robbers.  (Mark 15:27) Yet, he willingly bore this reproach, knowing full well that he was interceding for us.   He stood, in effect, between sinners and the stroke of death penalty, and he received the blow himself.

The historical record of Jesus' life and death enables us to make an unmistakable identification:  Jesus Christ is the Messianic Servant of Isaiah's prophecy.  How thankful we should be  that Jehovah was willing to let his dear Son fulfill the prophetic role of the Servant, suffering and dying that we might be redeemed from sin and death!  Jehovah thus showed great love for us. Romans 5:8 says: "God recommends his own love to us in that, whole we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  How grateful we should also be to Jesus Christ, the exalted Servant who willingly poured out his soul to the very death!

Next time: The Barren Woman Rejoices, Chapter Fifteen

From the Book Isaiah's Prophecy Light for all Mankind, Volume II, 2001

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