
A Choice Involving Conscience

Choosing to follow a Bible-trained conscience requires faith and courage. This certainly was the case with newly baptized Suraang, a young woman living on Tarawa, one of the islands of Kiribati. Suraang requested permission to be excused from one aspect of her work as a nurse at the hospital. Her request was not received favorably, resulting in her being sent to care for the small medical center on an isolated island where she was cut off from others of her faith.

On that island it is customary for all new arrivals to make an offering to the local  "spirit." The people believed that failure to do so will result in death. Since Suraang refused  to allow this act of idolatry to be performed for her and her party, the villager waited for her to be strangled by the offended spirit. When no harm came to Suraang or her party, many opportunities opened up for her to give a fine witness. 

But Suraang's tests were not over. Some of the young men of that island consider it a challenge to seduce young women who visit. However, Suraang  resisted their advances and kept her integrity to God.  In fact, she was able to serve as a regular pioneer, even though she was on call as a nurse 24 hours a day.

Prior to a feast held Suranng's honor when she was preparing to leave island, the village elders  stated that she was the first real missionary  to visit them. Because of her firm stand for Bible principles, other on that island have responded  favorably to the Kingdom message.

Next time: Physical Challenges

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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