
Deliver Yourself From Foolish Pledges

The 6th chapter of Proverbs opens with the words:  "My son, if you have gone surety for your fellowman, if you have given your handshake even to a stranger, if you have been ensnared by the sayings of your mouth, take this action then,  my son, and deliver yourself, for you have come into the palm of your fellowman: God humble yourself and storm your fellowman with importunities." -Proverbs 6:1-3. 

This proverb counsels against getting involved  in the business dealings of others, especially of strangers. Yes, the Israelites were to 'sustain their brother who had grown poor and become financially weak.' (Leviticus 25:35-38) But some enterprising Israelites got involved in speculative business ventures and obtained financial backing by convincing others  to 'go surety' for them, thus making  them liable for the debt. Similar situations may arise today.  Financial institutions , for example, may require a cosigner before approving a loan they consider risky.  How unwise to make such a commitment hastily  in behalf of others!  Why, it may entrap us financially, even giving us a  bad name with banks and other creditors! 

What if we find ourselves in the predicament of having taken a action that seemed wise at first but upon closer scrutiny appears foolish?  The advice is to set aside pride and  "storm your fellowman with importunities?-with persistent requests .  we must do all we can to set matters straight. One reference  work points out:  "Leave no stone unturned until you have agreed with your adversary  and compromised the matter, so that your bond may not come against you or yours." And this should  be done without delay, for the kings adds: "Do not give any sleep to your eyes. Deliver yourself like a gazelle from the hand and like bird from the hand of the birdcatcher." (Proverbs 6:4, 5) Better it is  to withdraw from an unwise commitment when possible than to be entrapped by it. 

Next time: Be Industrious Like the Ant

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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