
Ehud Returns

Ehud was apparently welcomed back into the palace.  Perhaps the generous tribute that he presented earlier put Eglon in a mellow mood. It may be that although the initial visit was brief, it gave Ehud sufficient opportunity to establish a rapport with the king. Whatever the case, Ehud was back in Eglon's presence.

"I have a secret word for you, O king," said Ehud.  The fact that he had come this far was  an indication that Jehovah was guiding him.  Yet, there was a problem.  The "secret word" that Ehud carried could be spoken in the presence of the king's attendants. If Jehovah was going to intervene, Ehud needed that help immediately.  "Keep silence!" The king commanded.  Since Eglon did not want this "secret word" to be overheard, he dismissed his attendants. Imagine Ehud's relief! -Judges 3:19. d

Eglon was sitting in his roof chamber when Ehud came to him and said:  "a word of God i have for you." By mentioning "God," was Ehud referring to Chemosh? Eglon may have thought so. Intrigued, he hoisted his weight off his throne and stood expectantly.  Ehud approached, likely moving carefully so as not to arouse the king's suspicion of an attack. Then, with a swift  movement, "Ehud thrust is left hand and took the sword off his right thigh and plunged it into [Eglon's] belly. And the handle kept going in after the blade so that the fat closed in over the blade, for he did not draw the sword out of his belly, and the fecal matter began to come out." -Judges 3:20-22.

Lingering nearby, the king's attendants did not stir. But Ehud was still in danger. At any moment Eglon's servants might rush in and discover  the corpse of their fallen king. Ehud needed to get away quickly!  Locking the doors, he made his escape through the air hole of the roof chamber. -Judges 3:23, 24a. 

Next time: Discovery and Defeat

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997 

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