
Animosity Turned Into Friendship;

In recent years, thousands of immigrants have streamed into Greece searching for work. Worsening economic conditions, however, have reduced job opportunities, and this has intensified the struggle for employment. As a result of this, there is great animosity among various ethnic groups .  A typical example is the rivalry between immigrants from Albania and those from Bulgaria. In many areas of Greece, intense competition has taken place between people of these two groups.  

In the town of Kiato, in northeastern Peloponnisos, a Bulgarian family and an Albanian family started studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses and got to know one another.  The application of Bible principles melted the animosity that exists between many from these two ethnic groups. It also contributed to a genuine brotherly friendship between these individuals. Ivan, a Bulgarian, even assisted  Loulis, the Albania, to find accommodations  next to Ivan's house. The two families often share their food and their few material belongings.  Both men are now baptized Witnesses of Jehovah and cooperate closely in preaching the good news. Needless to say, this Christian friendship does not go unnoticed by neighbors.

Next time: Hate Will Be Eradicated

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000 

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