
The Son of Man Glorified

Following his arrest, Jesus is accused by false witnesses, convicted by biased judges, sentenced by Pontius Pilate, derided by priests  and  mobs and mocked and tortured by soldiers. (Mark 14:53-65; 15:1, 15; John 19:1-3) by Friday noon, Jesus is nailed to a torture stake and suffers excruciating pain as the weight of his body tears at the nail wounds in his hands and feet.  (John 19:17,18)  At about three in the afternoon Jesus cries out:  "It has been accomplished!  Yes, he has completed all that he came to earth to do. Entrusting his spirit to God, he bows his head and dies.  (John 19:28, 30; Matthew 27:45, 46; Luke 23:46)  On the third day thereafter, Jehovah resurrects his Son. (Mark 16:1-6)  Forty days after is resurrection, Jesus ascends to the heavens and is glorified. -John 17:5; Acts 1:3, 9-12; Philippians 2:8-11.

How may we 'follow Jesus' steps closely'?  (1 Peter 2:21) Like him, let us exert ourselves  vigorously in the Kingdom-preaching  and disciple-making work and be bold and courageous in speaking the word of God.  (Matthew 24:14' 28:19. 20; Acts 4:29-31; Philippians 1:14)  Let us never lose sight of where we are in the stream of time or fail to incite one another to love and fine works.  (Mark 13:28, 33; Hebrews 10:24, 25)  May we let our entire course of action be governed by Jehovah God's will and the awareness that we are living in "the time of the end." -Daniel 12:4.

Next time: Why Be Self-Sacrificing? 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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