
Ehud Meets Eglon

The day for presenting the next tribute arrived. Ehud and his men entered the king's palace. Before long, they were standing before King Eglon himself.  But the time had not yet arrived for Ehud to attack. After the presentation of the tribute, Ehud sent the tribute bearers on their way. -Judges 3:17, 18. 

Why did Ehud delay in striking down Eglon? Did he give way to fear?  By no means! To carry out his plan, Ehud needed a private audience with the king-something that was not accorded him on this initial encounter. Furthermore, Ehud would need to make a swift getaway. Escape would be far easier for one man than for the entire entourage  of tribute bearers. Therefore, Ehud  bided his time. The brief visit with Eglon enabled him to become familiar with the layout of the palace and to ascertain the extent of the king's security.  

After reaching "the quarries that were at Gilgal," Ehud left his men and journeyed  back to Eglon's palace. The walk of approximately one mile gave Ehud a little time to think  about his mission and to pray for Jehovah's blessing. -Judges 3:19. 

Next time: Ehud Returns

From the Watchtower magazine, 1997

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