
Conclusion of True Optimism Prevails!

Are these causes for pessimism?  By no means, for the vision also describes "a white horse; and the one seated upon it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went forth conquering and to complete  his conquest." (Revelation 6:2) Here we see Jesus Christ as a heavenly King removing all wickedness, riding to establish peace and harmony worldwide."

As King-Designate, Jesus Christ while on earth taught his disciples to pray for that Kingdom. Perhaps you too have bee taught to say the "Our Father," or the Lord's Prayer.  In it we pray for God's Kingdom to come, for his will to be done  her on earth as it is in heaven. -Matthew 6:9-13.

Rather than trying to patch up the present system of things, Jehovah acting through his Messianic King, Christ Jesus, will remove it completely.  In its place, says Jehovah, "I am creating new heavens and a new earth; the former things will not be called to mind, neither will they come up into the heart."  Under the heavenly Kingdom government, the earth will become a peaceful, happy home for mankind, where life and work will be a constant joy.  "Be joyful forever in what I am creating," says Jehovah. "The work of their own hands my chosen one will use to the full." (Isaiah 65:17-22)  (Note: Also, keep in mind, we will have a new body at the time.) If you base you hope for the future on that unfailing promise, you will have every reason to be optimistic-now and forever!


From the Watchtower magazine, 1998

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