
Sound Basis for Optimism Today

HISTORIAN and sociologist H. G. Wells, born in 1866, exerted a powerful influence on 20th century thinking. Through his writings, he expounded his conviction that the millennium would coincide with  the onward march of science. Thus, Collier's Encyclopedia recalls Wells'  "boundless optimism" as he worked unceasingly to advance his cause.  But it also notes that his optimism was shattered when World War II erupted. 

As Wells came into the realization that  "science could work for evil as well as for good, his faith deserted him, and he declined into pessimism," states Chamber's Biographical Dictionary.  Why did this happen?  

Wells' faith and optimism were based solely on human achievements.   (not a good thing) When he realized that mankind was incapable of attaining his Utopia, he had nowhere else to turn. Desperation quickly turned into pessimism. 

Today, many people have the same experience for the same reason.  They are bubbling with optimism when they are young but fall into a sullen pessimism as they get older.  There are even young ones who give up on the so-called normal way of life and indulge  in drug abuse, promiscuity, and other destructive life-styles.  What is the answer?  Consider the following examples from Bible times and see what basis there is for optimism-past, present, and future.  (God, you don't have anything without him.) 

Next time: Abraham's Optimism Rewarded

From the Watchtower magazine, 1998

Note: The King James Version and the New World Translations of the Holy Scriptures, are the ones that should be read, because I have read both word for word, beginning to end and they say the same thing, with maybe different words that mean the same thing and they both, teach the truth. Any other Bible should not be considered, because Satan puts stuff out there that tells nothing but half-truths and lies.  The same with preachers who go on TV. They are the Devil's disciples and do not teach the whole truth.  They are wolves in sheep's clothing, nothing else.  So if you want the truth read the Bible, and if you want to understand what it says-the truth, then talk to a Jehovah's Witness.  They will help you to understand what it says-the truth and nothing but.   This I know for a fact. 

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