
Continue with What He Has Promised

More important than knowing such details is that you will have your own residence. It will be yours-not like today when you might slave to build then another person benefits.  Isaiah 65:21 also says that you will plant and eat the fruitage. Clearly, that  summarizes the general situation.  You will derive intense satisfaction from your efforts, the fruits of your own labors. You will be able to do that over a long life-"like the days of a tree."  That certainly meets the description  "all things new"! -Psalm 92:12-14. 

If you are a parent, these words will touch your heart: "They will not toil for nothing, nor will they bring to birth for disturbance; because they are  the offspring made up of the blessed ones of Jehovah, and their descendants with them.  And it will actually occur that before they call out I myself shall answer; while they are yet speaking, I myself shall hear." (Isaiah 63:23, 24) Do you know from experience the pain of 'bringing to birth for disturbance'?  We need not list the ranged of problems children may have that bring disturbance to parents and others. Related  to that, we have all observed parents so preoccupied with their own careers, activities, or pleasures that they spend little time with their children. In contrast, Jehovah assures us that he will hear and respond to our needs, even anticipate them. 

While you are thinking about what you may enjoy in the new world, picture the scene that God's prophetic word sets out:   " 'The wolf and the Lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull; and as for the serpent, his food will be dust.  They will do  no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain,' Jehovah has said." (Isaiah 65:25)   Human artists have tried to paint that scene, but this is no mere word picture produced with artistic license. This will be real. Peace will prevail among humans and will be matched by peace with the animals.  Many biologists and animal lover spend the best years of their life learning about a few types of animals or just one species or breed. In contrast, think what you will be able to learn when animals are not dominated by fear of humans.  Then you will  be able to approach even birds and tiny creatures  whose habitat is the forest or jungle-yes, observe, learn from, and enjoy them.  (Job 12:7-9)  You will be able to do so safely, free of danger from man or animal. Jehovah says:  "They will do not harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain."  What a change that will be from what we see  and experience today!

As mentioned earlier, humans are unable to foretell the future accurately, despite widespread concerns related to a new millennium.  That leaves many frustrated, confused, or  in despair. Peter Emberley, director of a Canadian university, wrote:  "Many [adults] are finally confronting primary questions of existence. Who am I?  What am I truly striving for? What is the legacy I leave for the next generation?  They are struggling at mid-life to achieve order and meaning in their lives."  

Next time: Conclusion of What He Has Promised

From the Watchtower magazine, 2000

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