
Praise Where It Is Due

The inspired proverb shows that praise can act like a tombstone, saying:  " The melting pot is for silver and the crucible for gold, but praise is the test of character."  (Proverbs 27:21; The New English Bible) Yes, praise may foster feelings of superiority or pride, leading to a person's downfall.  On the other hand, it can reveal his modesty and humility if he acknowledges his indebtedness to Jehovah for anything he has done that has brought him praise.

Sincere praise for worthy conduct or attainments builds up both the giver and the recipient. It makes for warm and wholesome appreciation one for another.  it encourages  striving for praiseworthy goals.  Deserving praise given to the young may make them want to work harder.  It may help  mold their character as they aim to live up to the standards expected of them. 

Let us, therefore, avoid flattery-whether on the giving or on the receiving end. Let us be humble when accepting  praise.  And let us be generous and whole-souled in giving praise-regularly to Jehovah in our worship and sincerely  to others in the form of wholesome commendation and appreciation, remembering that "a word at its right time is O how good!" - Proverbs 15:23. 

Next time: You Can Find Comfort-So Much Need for Comfort!

From the Watchtower magazine, 1998

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