
Heeding Advance Warning Can Save Your Life!


We cannot determine the specific date of the end of all wickedness and suffering, for Jesus said:  "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father."   Nonetheless, Jesus encouraged us to "keep on the watch."  (Matthew 24:36; 24:13) For what? The Bible gives us a description of world conditions that would exist before God brings the end.  Just as the sudden shifting of the tide alerted the residents of Simeulue to an approaching tsunami, the dramatic shifting of the tide of world events would signal to us that the end is near.   Granted, taken individually, some of the events or conditions listed  have occurred in the past  to some extent.   But Jesus said that upon seeing "all these things,"  we would know that the end is close at hand.  (Matthew 24:33)  Ask yourself, 'When in history have all things described  (1) taken place on a global scale,  ( 2) occurred at the same time, and (3) gone progressively from bad to worse?'  Clearly, we are living in such a time. 


"Early warning systems . . .do save lives," said one former U.S. president.  Following  the 2004 tsunami, a warning system was installed in the affected region in an effort to prevent similar loss of life from occurring in the future.  Similarly, God has made provisions for advance warning to be given before the end comes.   The Bible foretold: "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." -Matthew 24:14.

Last year alone, Jehovah's Witnesses spent well over 1.9 billion hours preaching the good news in 240 lands and in more than 700 languages.  This modern-day development offers strong proof that the end is near. Moved by love for their neighbor, Jehovah's Witnesses  spare no effort as they warn others of God's day of judgment that is fast approaching.  (Matthew 22:39)  The fact that you  can benefit from this information is evidence of Jehovah's love for you.  Remember, "[God] does not desire anyone to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9) Will you respond to God's love and heed the advance warning?

Next time: Heeding Advance Warning Can Save Your Life!/ Flee to Safety!

From The Watchtower magazine 

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