
I Lost My Unborn Baby

MONDAY, April 10,2000, was a warm and sunny day, so I set out to do some errands. I was just entering the second trimester of pregnancy, and although I did not feel very energetic, I was happy to get outdoors.  Then, while waiting in the checkout line at the grocery store, I  had the feeling that something was wrong with me. 

My fears were confirmed when I got home. I was bleeding-something that had not happened during my two previous pregnancies-and it terrified me!  I called my doctor, but he suggested I wait and come in the next day, since I had an appointment then anyway.  Before my husband and I  put our two children to bed that night, we prayed together, asking Jehovah to give us strength in whatever way we might need it.  Eventually, I fell asleep. 

But about two o'clock, I woke up with intense pain. Gradually the pain subsided, but just as I was falling asleep again, it recurred, this time coming in regular waves.  The bleeding also increased, and I realized that I was having contractions. My mind raced, trying to figure out if I had done something to  cause this to happen, but I could not think of anything I had done wrong. 

By five o'clock in the morning, I knew that I had to get to the hospital.  When my husband and I arrived, we were relieved to find ourselves in the hands of a very kind, helpful, and empathetic emergency-room staff. Then, two hours later, the doctor gave us the news we had dreaded: I lost my baby.  

Because of the earlier symptoms, I was prepared for this outcome and took the news reasonably well. Additionally, my husband was at my side the whole time and proved to be very supportive. But now that we would be going home without a baby, we wondered what we would tell our two children, Kaitlyn, who was six years old, and David who was four.  

Next time: I Lost My Unborn Baby / What Do We Tell Our Children? 

From the Awake! magazine 

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