
Marriage - Its Origin and Purpose


Noah and his three sons each had only one wife. However,  after the Flood, many men had more than one wife.  In many cultures, sexual immorality as common and was even a part of religious customs.  When Abraham and Sarah moved to Canaan, they were surrounded by immoral people who showed no respect for marriage. (much like some today, from what I've seen)  Jehovah destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because the people there were very immoral. Abraham was different from those people.  He was a good family  head, and Sarah set a good example as a submissive wife.  (Read 1 Peter 3:3-6.) Abraham made sure that his son Isaac married a woman who worshipped Jehovah. And Isaac did the same for his son Jacob, whose sons became the ancestors o the 12 tribes of Israel. 

Later, Jehovah made a covenant, or an agreement, with the nation of Israel.  He gave them the Mosaic Law, which helped to protect husband and wives in their worship of Jehovah.  For example, there were laws regarding marriage customs, including polygamy, and the Israelites were not allowed to marry false worshippers.  (Deuteronomy 7:3, 4.) When serious problems arose in a marriage, the elders would provide help.  There were also laws against being unfaithful, jealous, and suspicious.  Divorce was allowed, but rules were in place to protect each mate.  For example, a man could divorce his wife for "something indecent."  (Deuteronomy 24:1)  The Bible does not explain what was "indecent," but a husband was not supposed to use small mistakes as a reason to divorce his wife. -Leviticus 19:18. 

Note: From what I have read in the Bible, and this involves the King James as well,  the only reason for divorce was if a spouse-a wife or husband cheated on the other spouse, that spouse could decided if they wanted to forgive the person who cheated/fornicated   and stay with them. That was the main reason. The small was that the husband or wife should not abuse -physically, mentally or any other way, the other.  

Next time: Marriage - Its Origin and Purpose/NEVER BE DISLOYAL TO YOUR MATE

From The Watchtower magazine 

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