
What Is God Like? -

The more we discern someone's qualities, the better we know that person, and thus our friendship can deepen.  Similarly, the more we come to know Jehovah's qualities, the better we will know what he is like, and thus our friendship  can deepen.  Of all God's wonderful attributes, four are more outstanding:  his power, wisdom, justice, and love. 


"O Sovereign Lord Jehovah!  Look! You made the heavens and the earth by your great power." -JEREMIAH 32:17. 

Evidence of God's power is seen in creation.  For example, when you stand outside on a bright summer day, what do you feel on your skin? The warmth of the sun.  Actually, you are feeling the results of Jehovah creative power.  How powerful is the sun?   At it's core, it's temperature is said to be about 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit (15,000,000 degrees C.).  Every second, the sun emits energy, equivalent to the explosion of many hundreds of millions of nuclear bombs.  

Yet our sun is small compared to many of the untold trillions of stars in the universe.  Scientists estimate that one of the largest  stars, named UY Scuti, has a diameter about 1,700 times that of the sun. IF UY Scuti replaced the sun, it would engulf the earth, and extend beyond the orbit of the planet Jupiter.  Perhaps that helps us to grasp more fully Jeremiah's statement that Jehovah God made the heavens and the earth, this, the universe, by his great power.  

How do we benefit from God's power?  Our life depends  of God's physical creations, such as the sun and all the wonderful resources on earth.  In addition, God uses his power to benefit humans in a personal way. How?  In the first century, God granted power to Jesus to perform deeds that were truly miraculous. We read:  "The blind are seeing and the lame are walking, the lepers are being cleansed and the deaf are hearing, the dead are being raised up." (Matthew 11:5)  What about today?  He gives power to the tired one," says the Bible, adding:  "Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power."  (Isaiah 40:29, 31)  God can supply "power beyond what is normal" to enable us to deal with or endure the hardships and trials of life.  (2 Corinthians 4:7)   Do you not feel drawn to a God who so lovingly uses his limitless power in our behalf?

Next time: What Is God Like?  GOD IS WISE

From the jw.org publications

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