
How to Be Humble - WHAT IS HUMILITY?

Humble people are respectful.  They do not behave arrogantly, nor do they expect others to treat them as special.  Rather,  a person with humility  takes genuine interest in others and is willing to learn from them.

Sometimes humility is  misjudged as a weakness.  In reality, it is a strength that helps people recognize their faults and acknowledge their limitations.


Humility benefits relationships.  "Overall, humble people are more connected to others," says  the book The Narcissism Epidemic.  It adds that such people find it "easier to relate to other people  and the wider world. 

Note: Another fact that is only half true. 

Humility benefits your child's future.  Learning to be humble will help your child both now and later in life- for example, when seeking employment.  "The young person with bloated self-esteem, unaware of her own deficiencies, is unlikely to do well in a job interview," writes Dr. Leonard Sax.  "But the young person who is genuinely interested in what the recruiter has to say is more likely to get the job." 

Note: Where do they get these ideas? Do they surveys with only specific people?  Books cannot tell you everything. You have to live with someone to know what they are really like? It takes years and years, and sometimes you never know.   

Next time: How to Be Humble - HOW TO TEACH HUMILITY

From the jw.org publications

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