

Assign chores.

BIBLE PRINCIPLE:  "There is a benefit in every kind of hard work." -PROVERBS 14:23. 

Young children are eager to work alongside their parents. You can take advantage of this natural inclination by assigning your children chores around the home.

Some parents are reluctant to do that.  They reason that their school-age children face a mountain of homework each day, so why add to their burden? 

However, children who do chores are more likely to succeed at school, since chores teach them to accept assignments and complete tasks.  Besides, note the book Parenting Without Borders, "when  we ignore our children's  eagerness to participate when they are younger, they internalize the idea that contributing is unimportant . . . They also begin to expect that things will be done for them." 

As that quote indicates, doing chores trains children to be contributors rather than consumers, givers rather than takers.  Chores help children realize that they have a valued place in the family -and a responsibility toward it.

Help your children to take responsibility for their mistakes.

BIBLE PRINCIPLES: "Listen to counsel and accept discipline, in order to become wise in your future." - PROVERBS 19:20. 

When your children make mistakes-for example, if your son or daughter accidentally damages another person's property-resist the urge to cover up what happened. Children can accept the consequences in this case, apologizing and perhaps making restitution.

Owing up to mistakes and failures will teach your children 

* to be hones and admit their errors

*  to avoid blaming others 

* to avoid making excuses

* to apologize when appropriate

Next time: The Value of Adult Guidance - WHAT DOES ADULT GUIDANCE INVOLVE?

From the jw.org publications

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