
Stay Close to Jehovah - End Notes - 26. Demonism

Demonism or spiritism is the bad practice of trying to communicate with spirits, either directly  or through someone else, such as a witch doctor,  a medium, or a psychic.  People who practice spiritism do this because they believe the false teaching  that spirits of humans survive death and become powerful ghosts.  The demons try to influence humans to disobey God. Astrology, divination, magic, witchcraft, superstition, the occult and  supernatural are also part of demonism.  Many books, magazines, horoscopes, movies, posters, and even songs make the demons, magic, and the supernatural seem harmless or exciting.  Many funeral customs, such sacrifices for the dead, funeral celebrations, funeral anniversaries, widowhood rites, and some wake rituals, also include contact with the demons. People often use drugs when trying to use the power of demons. -GALATIANS 5:20; REVELATION 21:8 

Chapter 10, paragraph 10; Chapter 126,  paragraph 4


Jehovah is Almighty God, and he created the whole universe. (Revelation 5:3)  That is why hew is the Owner of all things and has sovereignty, or complete authority , to the rule  over his creation.  (Psalm 24:1; Isaiah 40"21-23; Revelation 4:11)  He has made laws for everything that he has created.  Jehovah also has the authority  to appoint others to be rulers.  We support Gods' sovereignty when we love him and obey him. - 1 CHRONICLES 29:11.

Chapter 11, paragraph 10


An abortion is done intentionally to cause the death of an unborn child. It is not an accident or the result of a natural reaction of the human body.  From the time of conception, a child is not just another part of the  mother's body. The child is a separate person.

Chapter 13, paragraph 5

Next time: Stay Close to Jehovah - End Notes;- BLOOD TRANSFUSION

From the jw.org publications

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