The first step toward making a good decision is to get the facts. Why is this important? Imagine that a patient consults a doctor regarding a serious medical treatment. Would the doctor make a decision about a course of treatment without first examining the patient or asking him questions? Certainly not. You too will make better decisions if you first consider the facts that have a bearing on the situation at hand. How can you do that?
You can often get the facts by asking questions. Suppose you are invited to a social gathering. Should you attend? If you are not acquainted with the host or the arrangements, you will need to ask him such questions as: "Where and when with the gathering be held? How large will it be? Who will supervise it? Who will attend? What activities are planned? Will alcoholic drinks be served?" The answers to these questions will you make a wise decision. - Read PROVERBS 18:13.
Next, facts in hand, look carefully at the full picture. For example, what if you learn that individuals who have no regard for Bible principles will attend the gathering or that alcohol beverages will be served without supervision? Do you see the potential for this gathering to turn into a wild party? (1 Peter4:3) On the other hand, what if the timing of the gathering conflicts with your scheduled congregation meeting or field ministry? When you have seen the whole picture, you will be well on your way to making a good decision. But there is another step that you should take. You know how you see the situation; but how does Jehovah feel about it? -PROVERBS 2:6.
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