
TEARS OF SORROW - Conclusion

 At our meetings, we also enjoy wholesome association with compassionate fellow believers, whose expressions of concern and love can lift our spirits.  (1 Thessalonians 5:11, 14) Consider the experience of a special pioneer brother who lost his wife in death. He said: "I still shed tears. Sometimes, I will sit in a corner and just cry. But our meetings have been a true source of encouragement. The beautiful expressions of my brothers and sisters are really soothing to me. No matter how anxious, or worried, I am before I arrive at the meeting, I always feel better there." When we are at our meetings, Jehovah can use our brothers and sisters to help us.

Hannah also gained comfort by pouring out her feelings to Jehovah in prayer, you can "throw all your anxiety on [Jehovah]," confident that he will listen. (1 Peter 5:7) A sister whose husband was killed in an armed robbery recalled: "I felt as if my heart had been broken into tiny fragments and it would never heal. My comfort and solace came from praying to my loving heavenly Father, Jehovah. Sometimes, I couldn't find the right words, but he understood me. When I was an emotional wreck, I would pray for peace. I could feel a calm come over my heart and mind and could then go on." When you pour out your concerns to Jehovah, he is deeply moved by your tears of sorrow, understanding your pain of heart and help you to feel a measure of peace. (Psalm94:19; Philippians 4:6, 7) And he will reward you for your faithful endurance. - HEBREWS 11:6. 


From the jw.org publications

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