
Your Tears Are Precious to Jehovah - Continue

 Jehovah knows how many tears we have shed as a result of distressing situations. The Bible assures us that he is aware of whatever painful situation his servants face, and he hears us when we cry to him for help. (Psalm 34:15) But Jehovah does more than just see us and hear us. Like a loving parent, he is deeply moved when he sees his children cry, and he is eager to provide help. - Read ISAIAH 63:9. 

In his Word, Jehovah reveals how he responded when his servants shed tears. We can see this by considering the examples of Hannah, David, and King Hezekiah. t made them shed tears? How did Jehovah respond to their cry for help? And how can their example comfort us when we shed tears of sorrow, betrayal, or despair? 

Next time: Tears of Sorrow

From the jw.org publications

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