
Inculcate Moral Values in Your Children-The Illusion of Control

The Illusion of Control

Some parents try to maintain 24-hour surveillance over their teens by hovering over them and monitoring their every move.  Later, many of them discover that such  'helicopter  parenting' only drove their teen underground.  Their son or daughter became adept at hiding the very conduct the parents were trying to prevent.  (You need a balance, too strict, or too lenient and the result is the same, this I know for a fact.)

Clearly, control is not the answer. Jehovah God himself does not use that method to elicit obedience from his creatures, (but they need some, because they are minors and need some balance of it. The kids think they know it all, I have been there myself as a teen, I found out differently. I wish that my  parents had shown a balance with me) and neither should you as a parent.  (Deuteronomy 30:19)  So how can you help your teens make wise moral decisions? -Proverbs 27:11) A basic nature is to have ongoing discussions with your children and to start when they enter adolescence, keep talking. As a parent, you should be your teenager's primary source of reliable information. "A lot of people think  that we'd rather talk to your friends about sex,"  says Alicia, a girl from Britain, "but that's not rue.  We appreciate this information when it comes from our parents.  We trust what they have to say."

Next time: The Need for Good Values

The Watchtower, 2011

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