
Moving Ahead in Our Ministry

A second way that Jehovah's organization has moved ahead has to do with our main work-Kingdom preaching and disciple making.  (Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 13:10)  To accomplish this work, the organization has kept before us the importance of expanding our ministry.  In 1922 all Christians were urged to share in the preaching work.  It was up to each one to let his light shine and thus have a personal share in bearing witness to the truth.  (Matthew 5:14-16)  In 1927 steps were taken to set Sunday aside as day for the field ministry.  Beginning in February 1940, it became common to see Witnesses on the streets in business districts offering.  The Watchtower and Consolation (now Awake!) .

The year 1937 saw the introduction of the booklet Model Study, emphasizing the need to make return visits in order to teach others Bible truth.  In the years thereafter, Bible study activity7 was greatly emphasized. Impetus was given to this feature of the ministry with the publication of the book "Let God Be True: in 1946 and the The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life in 1968.  Currently,, we use the book Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life.  Coverage of such material lays a sound Scriptural foundation for making disciples.

Next time: Moving Ahead With Organizational Refinements

The Watchtower,  2001

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