

"Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues." -Revelation 18:4.

"BABYLON THE GREAT has fallen!"  Yes, from Jehovah's standpoint the world empire of false religion has fallen.  This has been true ever since 1919, when the remnant of Christ's brothers came out from under the influence of Christendom,  a dominant part of mystic Babylon. As a result, they have been free to denounce false religion and to announce God's righteous rulership through the Messianic Kingdom.  Throughout this century Jehovah's loyal Witnesses have expose Satan's conglomeration of puppet religions, which he has manipulated to mislead "the entire inhabited earth." -Revelation 12:9; 14:8; 18:2.

How Has Babylon the Great Fallen?

However, someone might ask, 'How can you say that Babylon has fallen, when religions seems to be flourishing in so many lands? Catholicism and Islam claim over one billion believers each.  Protestantism still prospers in the Americas, where new churches and chapels spring up constantly.  Hundreds of millions follow the rituals of Buddhism and Hinduism.  Yet, to what degree does all this religion exert a positive influence on the conduct of these billions?  Has it prevented Catholics and Protestants from killing one another in Northern Ireland?  Has it brought real peace to Jews and Muslims in the Middle East?  Has it led to harmony between Hindus and Muslims in India?  And, more recently, has it prevented  Serbian Orthodox, Croatian Catholics, and Bosnian Muslims from pursuing  "ethnic cleansing," plundering, raping, and slaughtering one another? (Because the only true religion is following the Bible, which tells what God wants) Religion is often just a label, an eggshell-thin veneer that breaks under the slightest pressure. -Galatians 5:19-21; compare James 23:10, 11.

From God's viewpoint, the religious support by the masses does not alter one inescapable fact-all religion is on judgment before God.  Babylon the Great, as evidenced by her history, deserves to be judged adversely because her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind."   (Revelation 18:5) In prophetic language Hosea wrote:  "For it is wind what they keep sowing, and a storm wind is what they will reap."  All of Satan's false religions worldwide will pay the ultimate price for their betrayal of God, his love, his name, and his Son. -Hosea 8:7; Galatians 6:7; 1 John 2:22, 23.

Next time: You Must Choose

The Watchtower, 1996

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