
The Need for Good Values

As they grow, children need to know more about sex than just the facts of life.  They should also have "their perceptive powers trained to distinguish both right and wrong."  (Hebrews 5:14)  In short, they need values-a moral code made up of strongly held beliefs about sex-along with conduct  that conforms to those beliefs.  How can you inculcate good values in your teenager?

start by considering you own values.  For example, you may strongly believe that fornication-sex between unmarried individuals-is wrong.  (1 Thessalonians 4:3)  Likely, your children know your position on the matter; they may even be able to quote Bible passages that back up your beliefs.  When questioned, they may readily answer that premarital sex is wrong.

But more is needed.  The book Sex Smart observes that some youths may outwardly agree with their parents' belief about sex.  The book states:  "They feel too uncertain to form their own opinions.  When they stumble into an unexpected situation and face an immediate dilemma about 'how far to go,' they find themselves mixed up and in real trouble."  This is precisely why values are essential.  How can you help your teen acquire them?

Next time: Make Your Values Clear

The Watchtower, 2011

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