
Solutions to Common Complaints -Solution #2

Complaint 2: "I am no longer getting what I want out of this relationship."

Bible Principle:  "Let each one seek seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person." -1 Corinthians 10:24.

A person who is primarily concerned with what he or she is getting from the marriage will never be truly happy, even if that individual remarries many time.  Marriage works when each mate focuses more on giving than on receiving.  Jesus states the reason:  "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." -Acts 20:35.

How some have applied this advice: Maria and Martin, who live in Mexico, have been married for 39 years.  But the road has not always been smooth.  They remember one rough patch in particular.  "In the midst of a heated confrontation," recalls Maria, I said,  something particularly disrespectful to Martin.  He became very angry.  I tried to explain that I didn't really mean what I said, that I was just upset.  But he wouldn't listen."  Marting says, "During that argument, I began thinking that we could no longer live together, that I should just quit trying to make this marriage work."  Marting needed respect.  Maria desired understanding. Neither was getting what he or she wanted.

How were they able to solve the problem?  "I gave myself time to cool down," says Martin,  "and we both decided to apply the Bible principle's wise counsel to be respectful and kind.  Over the years, we have learned that no matter how many times problems come up, we can overcome them if we pray for God's help and apply the advice found in the Bible." -Isaiah 48:17, 18; Ephesians 4:31, 32.

Next time: Solutions to Common Complaints-#3

The Watchtower, 2011

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