
CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS Are They Christian? - Conclusion of A Closer Look at Nativity Traditions

Conclusion of A Closer Look at Nativity Traditions

In Latin America, the three wise men replace the idea of Santa Claus.  Still, as is done in other lands, many parents hide toys in the home.  Then on the morning of January 6, the children look for them, as if the three wise men brought.  This is a money-making time for toy sellers, and some have  made a fortune on what many honest hearted people recognize is just fantasy.  The myth of the three wise men is losing credibility among a goodly number, even among little children.  Though some are displeased that this myth is losing believers, what can anyone expect of a fantasy maintained only for the sake of tradition and for commercial convenience?  (Everyone needs to wake up  spiritually before it is to late)

Christmas, or the Nativity was not celebrated by early Christians.  One encyclopedia says about this:  "The celebration was not observed in the first centuries of the Christian church, since the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of  remarkable persons rather than their birth."  The Bible links the celebration of birthdays with pagans, not with God's true worshipers. -Matthew 14:6-10.  (meaning that what our parents and children were taught in church was not the truth and were taught by false prophets. Satan was responsible for that, as that was one of Satan's ways of getting others to  worship him.)

This does not, of course means that it is not beneficial to learn and remember the actual events involved  in the birth of the Son of God.  The factual Bible account provides important insights and lessons for all those who want to do God's will.

Next time: Birth of Jesus According to the Bible

The Watchtower,2000

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