
Why Do You Serve God?

Why Do You Serve God?

 A God-fearing king once gave this advice to his son:  "Know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul." (1 Chronicles28:9)  Clearly, Jehovah wants to serve him with grateful, appreciative hearts.

AS Jehovah's Witnesses, we readily admit that when the Bible's promises were first explained, our hearts swelled with gratitude. Every day, we learned something new about God's purposes.  The more we learned about Jehovah, the stronger our desire became to serve him "with a complete heart and with a delightful soul."

Many who become Jehovah's Witnesses continue to serve Jehovah with boundless joy throughout their lives.  However, some Christians start out well, but in time, they lose sight of the compelling reasons that motivate us to serve God.  has that happened to you?  If it has, do not despair.  Lost joy can be retrieved. How?

Next time: Whey Do You Serve God? - Count Your Blessings

The Watchtower, 2000

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