
REFLECT THE ATTITUDE OF CHRIST - Copying Christ's Positive Attitude

Copying Christ's Positive Attitude

Jehovah's servants maintain a positive attitude.  When Daniel's enemies conspired  to have a law passed forbidding the making of a petition to any god or man except to the king for 30 days, Daniel knew that this impinged on his relationship with Jehovah God.  Would he abstain from praying to God for  30 days?    No, he fearlessly continued praying  to Jehovah three times a day,as was his custom.  (Daniel 6:6-17)  Jesus likewise refused to be intimidated  by his enemies.  One Sabbath day, he encountered a man with a withered hand.  Jesus knew that many Jews there present  would be displeased if he healed someone on the Sabbath.  He asked them pointedly to express themselves on the matter.  When they refused, Jesus went ahead and healed the man.  (Mark 3:1-6)  Jesus never shrank back from fulfilling his commission as he felt proper. 

Jehovah's Witnesses today recognize that they too must never be intimidated by the possible negative reaction of opposers.  Otherwise, they will not be displaying Jesus' mental attitude.  Many oppose Jehovah's Witnesses, some because they are ignorant of the facts and others because they hate the Witnesses or their message.   But let us never permit their unfriendly attitude to affect their unfriendly attitude to affect our positive one.  We should never let others dictate the way we worship.

Jesus always displayed a positive mental attitude toward his followers and toward his followers and toward God's  arrangements, however, difficult it was to do so.  (Matthew 22:2, 3) We should copy his example.  Granted, our brothers are imperfect, but so are we.  And where can we find better companions and truly loyal friends than in our worldwide brotherhood?  Jehovah has not yet given us a complete understanding of his written Word, but what religious group understands more?   Let us always keep the right mental attitude, the mental attitude that Jesus Christ had.  Among other things, this includes knowing how to wait upon Jehovah,as we will discuss in the following article.


The Watchtower, 2000

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