

Make Good Use of the Bible Teach Book

With its 19  chapters, in-depth appendix, and clear, simple language, the book What Does the Bible Really Teach?  Is proving to  be a boon to the ministry.  For example, chapter 12 discusses the subject "Living in a Way That Pleases God."  This material explains to the student how he can become a friend of God, something that  many have never even considered or thought possible.  (James 2:23)  How is this Bible aid being received?

A circuit overseer in Australia reports that the Bible Teach book has an "instant appeal that quickly draws household3ers into a conversation."  He adds that the book is so easy to use that it  "has given many Kingdom publishers renewed confidence and joy in the ministry.  No wonder some are calling the book the Gold Nugget!"

"God must have sent you," said a woman in Guyana to the pioneer at her door.  The woman's partner had recently left her and their two small children.  The pioneer opened the Bible Teach book to chapter 1 and read aloud paragraph 11, under the subhead "How Does God Feel About Injustices We Face?"  "The points touched her deeply," said the pioneer.  "In fact, she had to get up, go to the back of her shop, and have a good cry."  This woman accepted the offer of a regular Bible study with a local sister and is continuing to make progress.

Jose', who  lives in Spain, lost his wife in a traffic accident.  He sought solace in drugs, and he also obtained professional help.  However, the psychologists could not answer the question that disturbed Jose' most:  "Why did God allow my wife to die?" One day Jose' met Francesc, who worked for the same company.  Francesc suggested that they discuss chapter 11 of the Bible Teach book, entitled "Why Does God Allow Suffering?"  The Scriptural explanation and the illustration of a teacher and a pupil deeply impressed Jose'.  He began to study in earnest, attended a circuit assembly, and now attends meetings at the local Kingdom Hall. 

Roman, a 40-year-old businessman in Poland, has always had respect for the Word of God.  But because he was very involved in his work, he progressed only to a certain point in his Bible study.  Nevertheless, he attended a district convention and received a copy of the Bible Teach book.  Thereafter, he made marked improvement.  With this book," he says,"all the basic teachings of the Bible seem to come together  to form a complete picture , like a jigsaw puzzle."  Roman now studies the Bible regularly and is making fine progress. 

Next time: Continue to Grow in Appreciation

The Watchtower, 2007

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