

"May the God who supplies endurance and comfort grant  you to have among yourselves the same mental attitude that Christ Jesus had." - ROMANS 15:5.

ATTITUDE makes a difference in life.  A nonchalant or a diligent attitude. a positive or a negative attitude, a belligerent or a cooperative attitude, a complaining or a grateful attitude can strongly influence how a person deals with situations and how other people react to him.  With a good attitude, one can be happy even in quite difficult situations.  For a person with a bad attitude, nothing seems right, even when-from an objective standpoint.-life is good.

Attitudes-good or bad-can be learned.  In fact, they have to be learned.  Speaking of a newborn child, Collier's Encyclopedia says:  "What attitudes he eventually comes to  possess he must acquire or learn, somewhat  as he must acquire or learn a language or any other skill."  How do we learn attitudes? While many things contribute, environment and association are very influential.  The previously mentioned encyclopedia notes:  "We learn or absorb, as if by osmosis, the attitudes of those with whom we are closely associated." (note: also, if our parents have bad attitudes, that is a clincher as well)  Thousands of years ago, the Bible said something similar:  "He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly." -Proverbs 13:20; 1 Corinthians 15:33.  (what if that person is not smart enough to know who is wise and who isn't? Hey, it happens; take a look around you. Enough said)

Next time:  REFLECT THE MENTAL ATTITUDE OF CHRIST - A Pattern for Proper Attitude

The Watchtower, 2000

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