
JEHOVAH IS AN APPRECIATIVE GOD -Conclusion of "Your Father Who Looks On in Secret Will Repay You"

"Your Father Who Looks On in Secret Will Repay You"

If Jehovah appreciates it when we pray to him in secret, how must he appreciated  it when we obey  him in secret!  Yes, Jehovah is aware of what we do in private.  (1 Peter 3:12)  Indeed, our  being faithful and obedient when we are alone is a good indication that we have "a complete heart" toward Jehovah, one that is pure in motive and that is firm for what is right.  (1 Chronicles 28:9)  How such conduct makes Jehovah's heart rejoice! -Proverbs 27:11; 1 John 3:22.

Consequently, faithful Christians guard against secret sins that corrupt the mind and heart, such as the viewing of pornography and violence.  While some sins can be hidden from humans, we realize that "all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting."  (Hebrews 4:13; Luke 8:17)  By striving to avoid things that displease Jehovah, we hold a clean conscience and delight in knowing that we have  God's approval.  Yes, there is no doubt that Jehovah truly appreciates the person "who is walking  faultlessly and practicing righteousness and speaking the truth in his heart." -Psalm 15:1, 2.

How, though, can we guard our mind and heart in a world that is saturated with badness?  (Proverbs 4:23; Ephesians 2:2)  In additions to taking full advantage of all spiritual provision, we must make every effort to reject what is bad and do what is good, acting quickly so that improper desires do not become fertile and give birth to sin.  (James 1:14, 15) Think how happy you would be if Jesus said of you what he said of Nathanael:  "See, [a man] in whom  there is no deceit." (John 1:47) Nathanael, also called Bartholomew, was later privileged to become one of Jesus' 12 apostles. -Mark 3:16-19)

Next time:  JEHOVAH IS AN APPRECIATIVE GOD -"A Merciful and Faithful High Priest"

The Watchtower, 2007

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