
A Donkey Talks

HAVE you ever heard of a donkey talking? 'No,' you may say.  'Animals don't talk.' But the Bible tells about a donkey that did.  Let's see how that happened.

The Israelites are almost ready to go into the land of Ca'naan. Ba'lak, the king of Moab, is afraid of the Israelites. So he sends for a smart  man named Ba'laam to come down to curse the Israelites. Ba'lak promises to give Ba'laam a lot of money, so Ba'laam gets on his donkey and starts on his way to see Ba'lak.

Jehovah does not want Ba'laam to curse His people. So he sends an angel with a long sword to stand in the road to stop Ba'laam. So Ba'laam can't see the angel, but his donkey does.  So the donkey keeps trying to turn away from the angel, and finally just lays down on the road. Ba'laam is very angry, and beats his donkey with a stick.

Then Jehovah causes Ba'laam to hear his donkey speak to him. 'What have I done to you so that you should beat me?' asks the donkey.

Note: The only talking donkey I ever heard of  besides this one, was an ex-husband who acted like an ass,(a bit of humor here.) and,  by the way, this word is in the Bible and is allowed, because these are God's Words.  

Next time: Conclusion of A Donkey Talks

From the jw.org publications 

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