
Crossing the Jordan River

The second blog that I typed out yesterday, I thought I published it. It was suppose to be for yesterday. I am so sorry.  My age is showing its fangs again.

LOOK! the Israelites are crossing the Jordan River!  But where is the water? Because lots of rain falls at that time of year, the river was very full just a few minutes  before. But now the water is all gone!  And the Israelites are going across on dry land just as they did at the Red Sea!  Where did all the water go? Let's see.

When the time came for the Israelites to cross the Jordan River, this is what Jehovah and Joshua tell the people:  'The priest should take the ark of the covenant  and go ahead of us.  When they put their feet into the waters of the Jordan River, then the waters stop running.'

So the priests pick up the ark of the covenant, and carry it ahead of the people.  When they come to the Jordan, the priest step right into the water. It is running  very strong and deep. But as soon as their feet touch the water, the water begins to stop running!  It is a miracle!  Upstream Jehovah has dammed up the waters.  So, soon there is  no more water in the river!

Next time: Conclusion of Crossing the Jordan River

From the jw.org publications

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