
Continue with Reasons to Believe

 A second line of evidence that can help people to acknowledge a Creator involves  the origin of life. Since the time of experiments by Louis Pasteur, it has been accepted  that life does not spring into existence out of nothing by spontaneous generation. So how did earthly life originate?  In the 1950's, scientists tried to prove that it could have developed slowly  in some early ocean when a primitive atmosphere was constantly being hit by lightning. More recent evidence shows, however, that  such an origin  of terrestrial life is improbably because that sort of atmosphere never existed. Consequently, some scientists are searching for a less flawed explanation. But are they also missing the point? (Note: Oh heck yes!  They are people that just either do not want to or can't  accept that there is a higher being-Jehovah God. With them, everything should be able to be solved by scientific methods; and that just is not the case, especially here.) 

After spending decades studying the universe and life in it, British scientist Sir Fred Hoyle commented:  "Rather than accept the fantastically small probability of life having arisen through the blind forces of nature, it seemed better to suppose that the origin of life was a deliberate intellectual act."  Yes, the more we learn about the wonders of life, the more logical it is that it came from one intelligent Source. -Job 33:4; 36:9; Acts 17:28. 

 (Duh! of course. We don't have that kind of intelligence. Life is God's area of expertise. we may able to make it look like humans, but it won't have a true soul, and  I would not trust it not to be used for Evil, which is what man is capable of, with the wrong type of personality. Leave the life making to Jehovah God and we will be better off, period!) 

So a first line of reasoning involves the universe, and  a second, the origin of life on earth.  Note a third-our uniqueness. In many ways all humans are unique, so that means that you are too. How so?  You have probably heard that the brain has been compared to a powerful computer. Really, though, recent discoveries show that this comparison falls far short.  A scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology said:  "Today's computers are not even close to a 4-year old human in their ability  to see, talk, move, or use common sense. . . .It has been estimated that the information processing capacity of even the most powerful supercomputer  is equal to the nervous system of a snail-a tiny fraction of the power available to the supercomputer inside [your] skull." 

Next time: Conclusion of Reasons to Believe

From the Watchtower magazine, 1999

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