
Continue with: Whatever Happened to Discipline?

Discipline That Works

THE BIBLE SAYS: "Whatever a person is sowing, this he will also reap." -Galatians 6:7. 

Parents naturally want to protect their children, and rightly so. Again, however, balance is needed. You do your children no favors by "rescuing them from the consequences of their errors or by defending them when a teacher or another adult brings real misconduct to your attention. Instead, view those people as your allies. In doing so, you teach your child to respect authority-including yours. -Colossians 3:20. 

THE BIBLE SAYS: "A child left unrestrained brings shame on his mother." -Proverbs 29:15. 

While parents should never be abusive they also need to avoid the other extreme-that of being permissive.   "Children of  permissive parents have little sense that the adults in the house are the ones who are in charge," says the book The Price of Privilege. If you do not assume that he is at the helm. Inevitably, he will make unwise choices that will cause him-and you-grief. -Proverbs 17:25; 29:21. 

THE BIBLE SAYS: "A man will . . .stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh." -Matthew 19:5. 

According to the Bible, a man and woman should be married before children are conceived and should still be together after the children are grown and gone. (Matthew 19:5, 6)  In that sense, you are a good spouse first-a parent second. If your priorities  are reversed, however, your child could come to "think more of himself than it is necessary to think." (Romans 12:3) A "child-centered" family also weakens the marriage relationship. 

HELP FOR PARENTS: For you to accomplish your goal as a parent, your discipline should adhere to these principles.  

Be loving. "Do not be provoking your children, so that they do not become downhearted." -Colossians 3:21.

Be consistent. "Let your word 'Yes, mean yes, your 'No,' no." -Matthew 5:37. 

Be reasonable. "I will discipline you to the proper degree." -Jeremiah 30:11." 

Next time: How to Deal With Loneliness 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015

Whatever Happened to Discipline

Discipline That Works

UNDENIABLY, parenting is hard work.  But holding back discipline when it is warranted makes the task even harder. Why? Because without discipline (1) children continue to be unruly, which exhausts the parents, and (2 ) parents  give consistent direction which confuses children. 

On the other hand, loving, balanced discipline can train a child's thinking and shape his moral character. It also helps children feel secure as they grow to  responsible adulthood. But where can you find reliable guidance for disciplining your children? 

The Value of Bible principles

The publishers of this magazine, Jehovah's Witnesses, believe that the Bible is, as it claims to be, "beneficial for teaching, for reproving for correcting, for disciplining." (2 Timothy 3:16) The Bible is far more than a  mere parenting manual; it principles provide realistic guidance for families. Consider some examples.

THE BIBLE SAYS:  "Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child." -Proverbs 22:15.

Although children can be delightfully thoughtful and kind, they are also inclined to do foolish things. Therefore,  children need discipline.  (Proverbs 13:24) Acknowledging that fact will help you fulfill your responsibility as a parent. 

THE BIBLE SAYS: "Do not hold back discipline from a child." -Proverbs 23:13.

You need not fear that balanced discipline will damage your children or cause them to resent you later in life.  When lovingly administered, discipline will help your children learn to accept correction humbly-a skill they will need even as adults. -Hebrews 12:11.

Next time: Continue with:Whatever Happened to Discipline - Discipline That Works

From the AWAKE!  magazine, 2015

Whatever Happened to Discipline?

Shifting Opinions

Over the decades, parenting practices have often reflected the ever-shifting opinions of humans. "Discipline keeps changing," writes educator Ronald G. Morish.  "It reflects changes in our society." It is so easy for parents to be, as the Bible puts it, "tossed about as by waves and carried here and there by every wind of teaching." -Ephesians 4:14.

 Clearly, the current wave of relaxed discipline has had negative effects. It has not only weakened parental authority but also left children without the guidance they need to make good choices and approach life with genuine confidence. 

Is there a better way?

Note: About 300 years and further back, they did not have experts spouting off their ideas on child rearing and discipline.  The problem since these so-called experts came about is that they are going by facts that they think would work, also, this some how gets the government involved and therefore, people are confused  at to  whether they should use discipline or not.  Well, all these people need to stay out  of people's business and family life and parents need to quit listening to all this baloney and use their own intuition.  The best thing is to use the Bible, it is not outdated. The Bible is for our instructions on how  to live, about marriage, raising and disciplining children and we should be going by that, and that alone, and with our own intuition; otherwise, things just get all caddywompas. 

Next time: Whatever Happened to Discipline? - Discipline That Works

From the AWAKE!  magazine, 2015


Whatever Happened to Discipline?

C0oTeaching the Wrong Lessons?

Put yourself in the following situations. 

*You are a 'soccer mom.' After school and on weekends, you ferry your son and daughter from one activity  to another; skating lessons, soccer practice-anything to keep them active. I'm exhausted,' you say to yourself, 'but my kids know that they are my life and that I would do anything for them. Isn't that what it takes to b a good mom? 

Consider:  What lessons are your children really learning by having a mother who will wear herself out just to keep them involved?  In time, might your children come to believe that adults-parents in particular are here only to serve their children's needs? 

A better approach: Let your children see that you have needs too. This will teach them to have consideration for others-including you. 

Your were raised by a harsh and critical father, so you have resolved to be the opposite  with your children. At every opportunity you praise your two boys-even when they have done nothing at all that was praiseworthy.  'It's important to make them feel good about themselves.' you tell yourself 'if they feel special they'll have the confidence they need to succeed in life.' 

Consider:  What lessons are your sons really learning by receiving 'empty praise'-praise that is doled out just to make them feel good?  How might overemphasis on your boy's self-esteem hurt them, both now and in life? 

A better approach: Be balanced. Do not be overly critical of your children; at the same time, base your praise on actual effort.

*Your are the mother of two girls, ages six and five.  The older girl tends to be hotheaded. Just yesterday, in a flash of anger, she punched her little sister in the arm. You reflect on how you handled the situation. 'I chose to reason with her rather than  to reprimand her, you recall.  'After all, won't it damage my daughter if I tell her that she was being bad?' 

Consider:  Is reasoning alone enough for a six-year-old?  Is it really harmful to use the word "bad" to describe the act of hitting a sibling? 

A better approach: Impose appropriate consequences for misbehavior. When administered in a loving manner, discipline will help your children learn to adjust their behavior. 

Note: Gee, no wonder there are so many teenagers becoming smart alecs with an attitude, getting in trouble, doing drugs, getting pregnant etc., because parents like this want to reason with children?  They have to know that they did something wrong and that that type of behavior is not acceptable ever! 

Next time: Shifting Opinions

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

Whatever Happened to Discipline?

Parental Authority Weakens

Some say that a weakening of parental authority began in the 1960's, when so-called experts were urging parents to be more easygoing with their children.  They said: 'Be a friend, not an authority figure.'    'Praise is better than discipline.'  'Rather than correct the bad, catch your children in the act of doing good.' Instead of striking a balance between commendation and correction, experts seemed to imply that reprimanding children would damage their fragile emotions and cause them to resent their parents later in life. 

Note: I would believe that these experts not only do not have children, but have never tried to discipline any. You can do both. You can  correct/discipline when need to and you can commend when they do something good.  My mother disciplined me and taught me to be a responsible person, and I respect her more for that, than I would if she were too easy on me. These experts don't know what they are talking about. I have no use for so-called experts, because just like us, they are imperfect humans as well.  As for discipline, each child is different and one method  of discipline may not work for one child, as it might on another. My sister and I each got a spanking on the bottom by  hand a couple swats on me, anyway and I was good, plus my mother had a certain look about her when she wanted us to  settle down  and behave. You just have to try different methods. But a spanking works the best.  I did not consider it a beating, I deserved a spanking at times. Experts don't know the difference. 

Before long, experts were also heralding the virtues of self-esteem. It was as if the secret  to good parenting was suddenly discovered, and it was simply this:  Make your children feel good about themselves.  Of course, it is important to instill confidence in children. But the self-esteem movement took  things to an extreme. Experts told parents: 'Avoid using negative words such as no and bad.' 'Keep telling your children that they are special and that they can be anything they want to be.' It was as if feeling good was more important than being good. 

In the end, some say that the self-esteem movement has done little more than make children feel entitled (not to mention turning them into mean brats), as if the world owes them, it has also left many young ones "ill prepared for the inevitable criticism and occasional failure that is real life," says the book Generation Me.

One father quoted in that book put it this way:  "There is no self-esteem movement in the work world. . . . If you present a bad report at the office.  Your boss isn't going to say, 'Hey, I like the color paper you chose.' Setting kids up like this is doing them a tremendous disservice."

Next time:  Whatever Happened to Discipline? - Teaching the Wrong Lessons?

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015

Whatever Happened to Disciploine?

In recent decades, family life in Western lands has changed dramatically. At one time, parents were in charge and children followed the lead. Now, in some households it seems to be the other way around. For example, consider the following scenarios, all of which are based on typical situations.

* While at the store with his mother, a four-year-old boy reaches out for a toy. His mother tries to dissuade him.  "You have enough toys already, don't you?" Too late, she realizes that she should not have ended it on a question.  "But I want it!" the boy whines. Fearing a tantrum-his usual ploy-Mom gives in. 

* A five-year-old girl interrupts her father while he is talking to another adult.  "I'm bored," she announces.  "I want to go home!"  Her father stops mid-sentence. stoops down to his daughter, and asks in a soothing voice: "Just a few more minutes, Sweetie-OK?" 

* Once again, 12-year-old James has been accused of shouting at his teacher. James' father is upset-not at his son but at the teacher.  "She's always picking on you." he says to James.  "I'm going to report her to the school board!"  

The preceding scenarios are imaginary, but they are hardly far-fetched.  They illustrate a real problem that exists in homes where parents tolerate children's rudeness, cave in to their demands, and "rescue" them from the consequences of their misconduct.  "It is increasingly common to see parent relinquishing authority to young children," says the book The Narcissism Epidemic.  "Not that long ago, kids knew who the boss was-and it wasn't them. 

Of course, many parents do strive to teach their children proper values, not only by setting a good example but also by giving firm but loving correction when needed. Nevertheless, parents who recognize the value of doing so are, as the book quoted earlier puts it, "swimming against the cultural tide." 

How did things get to this point?  Whatever happened to discipline? 

Next time: Whatever Happened to Discipline? -Parental Authority Weakens

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015



Is adultery an unforgivable sin? 

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS.  No. The Bible says that God shows mercy to those who repent and turn around from their sins-including adultery.  (Acts 3:19; Galatians 5:19-21) In fact, the Bible talks about men and women who stopped committing adultery and later became God's friends. -1 Corinthians 6:9-11. 

God's mercy was shown in the case of King David of ancient Israel. David committed adultery with the wife of one of his army officers.  (2 Samuel 11:2-4) The Bible clearly states that "what David had done was very displeasing" to God.  (2 Samuel 11:27) After receiving reproof, David repented and God forgave him. Nonetheless, David had to suffer the sad consequences of his actions. (2 Samuel 12:13, 14) Wise King Solomon later attested that "anyone committing adultery . . .is lacking good sense." -Proverbs 6:32. 

WHAT YOU CAN DO.  If you have committed adultery, you need to ask both God and your spouse for forgiveness.  (Psalm 51;1-5) Learn to hate adultery as God does.  (Psalm 97:10) Be determined to avoid pornography, sexual fantasies, flirting, or anything else that could lead you to have sexual interest in someone other than your mate. -Matthew 5:27:28; James 1:14, 15. 

If you have been the victim of your mate's adultery be assured that God understands your feelings.  (Malachi 2:13, 14)  If you choose to forgive your mate and continue your marriage, both  of you will need to work hard to rebuild your marital bond. -Ephesians 4:32. 

Next time: Whatever Happened to Discipline?

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015


What is adultery?

WHAT PEOPLE SAY. Some cultures do not view extramarital  sex, especially on the par of husbands, as wrong. And some do not consider marriage to be a permanent union.

What the Bible says. In the Bible, adultery generally refers to voluntary sexual  relations by a married person-either a man or a woman-with someone other than his or her mate.  (Job 24:15; Proverbs 30:20) Adultery is a detestable thing in God's eyes. In ancient Israel the penalty for it was death. (Leviticus 18:20, 22, 29) Jesus taught that his followers must refrain from adultery. -Matthew 5:27, 28; Luke 18:18-20. 

WHY IT MATTERS.  Adulterers break the solemn vow that they made to their spouse at the time of their marriage. It is also a "sin against God." (Genesis 39:7-9) Adultery can cruelly separate children from parents. What is more, the Bible warns that "God will judge .  . .adulterers." -Hebrews 13:4. 

Does adultery terminate the marital union?

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. The Bible allows for a married person to terminate his or her  marital union on the grounds of a mate's sexual immorality.  (Matthew 19:9) This means that after an act of infidelity, the innocent mate has the right to decide whether to remain with the unfaithful mate or to pursue a divorce. This is a personal decision. -Galatians 6:5. 

On the other hand, in God's eyes marriage is a sacred lifelong bond.   (1 Corinthians 7:39)  God hates it when a person seeks a divorce that is based on trivial reasons, such as simply not being satisfied  with a mate. Therefore, a decision regarding a divorce is not to be taken lightly. -Malachi 2:16; Matthew 19:3-6.

"I say to you, that everyone divorcing his wife, except on account of sexual immorality, makes for a subject of adultery." -Matthew 5:32.

Next time: THE BIBLE'S VIEW/ADULTERY - Is adultery an unforgivable sin? 

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015

How to Strengthen Commitment


Examine your view.  "Married for life." Does that phrase make you feel trapped, or does it make you feel secure?  When problems arise, does leaving always loom on the horizon as a viable option? To strengthen your commitment, it is essential that you view marriage as a permanent union. -Bible principle: Matthew 19:6

Examine your history. Your view of commitment might be influenced by what you observed in your parent.  "My parents divorced when I was growing up," says a wife named Lea, "and I worry that their experience may have left me with  a negative view of commitment."  Be assured that you can make things different in your own marriage. You are not doomed to repeat your parents' mistakes! Bible principle: Galatians 6:4, 5. 

Examine your speech. In the heat of a disagreement with your spouse, refrain from saying things that you  will later regret, such as "I'm leaving you!" or, "I'm going to find someone who appreciates me!"  Such statements undermine commitment, and rather than address the issue at hand, they merely  involve the two of you in an onslaught of insults. Instead of hurtful speech, you might say something like this:  "Obviously, we're both upset. How can we work together to resolve this problem?" -Bible principle: Proverbs 12:18. 

Send out 'commitment signals.' Keep a photo of your spouse on your desk at work. Talk positively about your marriage to others.  Make it a goal to call your spouse  each day whole you are away. Frequently  talk about "we," and use phrases  such as "my wife and I" or "my husband and I." By such actions, you will emphasize to others-and to yourself-that you are committed to your spouse. 

Find healthy role models. Look to mature couples who have weathered marital problems successfully. Ask them, "What does commitment mean to you, and how has it helped in your marriage?"  The Bible says:  "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens his friend."  (Proverbs 27:17) With that principle in mind, why not benefit from the advice of those who have made their marriage a success? 


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015



How to Strengthen Commitment


Commitment is the solution not the problem. Many people today are skeptical of commitment. Some would compare commitment to a ball and chain that shackles you to a bad decision. Instead, think of it as an anchor that can keep your marriage steady. A wife named Megan says, "During a conflict, one of the best things about commitment is knowing that neither you nor your spouse is leaving." Having confidence that the marriage itself is secure-even when certain aspects of it are in turmoil-can give you a foundation from which to resolve your problems. 

The bottom line: If you are experiencing problems in your marriage, now is the time to strengthen commitment, not question it. How can you do that? 

Next time: How to Strengthen Commitment -WHAT YOU CAN DO

From the AWAKE! magazine,  2015



THE amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. Most newborns sleep for 16 to  18 hours a day, toddlers about 14 hours, and preschoolers about 11 or 12. School-age children generally need at least 10 hours, and adults from  7 to 8.

Getting the right amount of rest should not be considered optional. According to experts, sufficient sleep in important for: 

* Growth and development in children and teenagers.

* Learning and retention of new information. 

* Maintaining the right balance of hormones that impact metabolism and weight.

* Cardiovascular health.

* Disease prevention.

Insufficient sleep has been linked to obesity, depression, heart disease, diabetes, and tragic accidents. Surely these give us good reason to want to enough rest.

So, what can you do if your realize that you have a problem getting enough sleep?

* Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

* Make your bedroom quiet, dark, relaxing and neither too warm nor too cold.

* Do not watch TV or use gadgets while in bed. 

* Make your bed as comfortable as possible.

* Avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol before bedtime.

* If after applying these suggestions you still suffer  from insomnia or other sleep disorders-such as excessive daytime sleepiness or gasping for breath while sleeping-you may want to consult a qualified  health-care professional.

Next time: HELP FOR THE FAMILY/ MARRIAGE -How to Strengthen Commitment

From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015



REGARDLESS of your age, you need regular physical activity to stay in good shape. Many people today do not exercise enough. Why is exercise important? Staying physically active can help you to:

* Sleep well.

* Stay mobile. 

* Maintain strong bones and muscles.

*Maintain or achieve a healthy weight.

* Lower your risk of suffering from depression.

* Lower your risk of premature death.

    If you do not stay physically active, you are more likely to:

 * Suffer from heart disease.

* Suffer from type 2 diabetes.

* Develop high blood pressure.

* Develop high cholesterol.

* Suffer a stroke. 

The kind of physical activity that is right for you depends on your age and your health, so it would be wise to consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise  program. According to various recommendations, children and adolescents should get at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous activity every day. Adults should get 150 minutes of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity every week.

Choose an activity that is fun. You might consider basketball, tennis, soccer, brisk walking, cycling, gardening chopping wood, swimming, canoeing, jogging, or other aerobic exercise.  How can you tell whether an activity makes you sweat, but more vigorous activity makes you sweat, but more vigorous exercise makes it hard for you to hold a conversation while doing it.


Your health is affected by realities over which you have no control-such as economic conditions, the availability of resources, and so on. In all likelihood, however, it should be within your means to adopt at least  some of the suggestions given the foregoing article. As a  wise  man of ancient times put it, "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself." -Proverbs 22:3.


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015




GOOD health is impossible without good nutrition, and for good nutrition you need a healthy, balanced diet. You may need to consider your intake of salt, fats, and sugar, and you should watch what you eat. Reading the packaging will help you to select whole-grain foods when buying bread, cereals, pasta, or rice. These are richer in nutrients and fiber than the alternatives made from refined grain. As for proteins, eat small lean portions of meat and poultry and try to eat fish a couple of times a week, if possible. In some lands it is also possible to find protein-rich foods from vegetable sources.

If you eat too many sugars and solid fats, you risk becoming overweight.  To minimize this risk,, drink water instead of sweet beverages. Eat more  fruit instead  of  sugary desserts. Limit your intake of solid fats from such items as  sausages, meat, butter, cakes, cheese, and cookies.  And instead of using solid fats for cooking, you may want to use healthier oils. 

Too much salt, or sodium, in the diet can raise your blood pressure to an unhealthy level. If this is your problem,  Use  the information on food packaging to keep your sodium intake low. Instead of salt, use herbs and spices to flavor your meals. 

How much you eat can be as important as what you eat. So, while enjoying your food, do not keep eating after you are no longer hungry.

And issue tied to nutrition  is the risk of food poisoning. Any food can poison you if it is not prepared and stored properly. Every year, 1 out of 6 Americans falls sick from food poisoning. Most recover without lasting ill effects,  but some die from it. what can you do to minimize the risk?

* Vegetables grow in soil that may have been treated with manure, so wash these items carefully before preparing them.

* Wash your hands, cutting board, utensils, dishes, and counter-tops with hot, soapy water before preparing each item.

* To avoid cross-contamination, never put food on a surface or plate that was previously in contact with raw eggs, poultry, meat, or fish, without first washing that surface.

* Cook until the food reached the right temperature, and promptly  refrigerate any any perishable items that are not going to be eaten immediately.

* Discard perishable items left at room temperature for more than two hours or one hour if air temperature exceeds 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 C) .


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015



OBTAINING sufficient clean water for one's family is a regular chore in some countries. Yet, access to clean water can become a concern in any part of the world when a main supply that is usually good to drink becomes contaminated as a result of a flood, a storm, a pipe break, or some other issue. If water does not come from a safe source or is not stored correctly, it can cause parasite infestation, as well as cholera, life-threatening diarrhea, typhoid, hepatitis, and other infections. Unsafe drinking water is one of the causes of an estimated 1.7 billion cases of diarrheal disease every year.

Cholera is most often contracted when a person drinks water or eats food that is contaminated with fecal matter from infected people. What steps can you take to protect yourself, even in the immediate aftermath of a disaster, from this and other types of water contamination?  

* Ensure that all your drinking water-including the water used for brushing teeth, making ice, washing food and dishes, or cooking-comes from a safe source, such as an adequately treated public supply or sealed bottles from a reputable firm.

* If there is any possibility that your piped supply has been contaminated, boil your water before use or treat it with an appropriate chemical product.

* When using chemicals, such as chlorine or water-purifying tablets, follow the maker's directions carefully. 

* Use quality water filters, if available and affordable.

* If no water-treatment products are available, add household bleach, eight drops per gallon water (two drops per liter), mix well, and then let the water stand for 30 minutes before using it.

* Always store treated water in clean,covered containers to protect it from possible re-contamination. 

* Ensure that any vessel used to take water from your stored supply, such as a ladle, is clean.

*Handle water containers with clean hands, and do not dip your hands or fingers into water used for drinking. 


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015 



There are certain times when hand washing is particularly important to protect  your own health and that of others. You should wash your hands:

* After using the toilet

*After changing diapers or helping a child to use the toilet.

* Before and after treating a wound or a cut.

* Before and after being with someone who is sick.

* Before preparing, serving, or eating food.

* After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.

* After touching an animal or animal waste.

* After handling garbage. 

And do not take it for granted that you are cleaning your hands properly. Studies have shown that a large percentage of those who used public toilets do not wash their hands afterward or do not wash them correctly. How should you wash your hands?

* Wet your hands in clean running water and apply soap.

* Rub you hands together to make a lather, not forgetting to clean your nails, your thumbs, the backs of your hands, and between your fingers.

* Keep rubbing for at least 20 seconds.

* Rinse in clean running water.

* Dry with a clean cloth or a paper towel.

Such measures are simple but can avert illness and save lives.  


From the AWAKE!  magazine, 2015




WHO wants to be sick? At the very least, an illness is an inconvenience and an expense.  (Tip: Sovereign Silver immune support. I take it and have not been sick since. It is worth the cost, believe me, no, I don't work for a vitamin store, I am retired)  You not only feel bad, but when you are sick, you may not be able to go to work or school, earn any money, or look after your family.  You may even need someone to look after you, and you may  have to pay for expensive medicines and treatment. 

Well has it been said that "Prevention is better than cure."  Some illnesses cannot be avoided. Still, there is much you can do to slow down  or even prevent the onset of illness.  (the sovereign silver is the best prevention) Some  Consider five things that you can do today to get on the road to better health.  


ACCORDING to the Mayo Clinic, "one of the best ways  for using herbs or vitamins for immunity; to avoid getting sick and spreading illness" is to wash  your hands. One of the easiest ways  to catch a cold or influenza is to rub your nose or your eyes when your hands are contaminated by germs.  Your best defense  against such contamination is to wash your hands regularly.  Good hygiene  can also prevent the spread of more serious conditions such as  pneumonia and diarrheal diseases, which every year  cause the death of over two million children under the age of five. Even the spread of deadly Ebola can minimized by the simple habit of washing hands.   


From the AWAKE! magazine, 2015

Who Is the Antichrist?i


What about today?  People and organizations making up the antichrist still oppose Christ and his teachings.  They deliberately spread lies and deceptions with the intent of confusing the identity of the Father, Jehovah God, and of his Son, Jesus Christ.  We have good reason to beware of such religious deceptions. Let us look at two examples. 

For centuries, the churches propagated the doctrine of the Trinity, claiming that the Father and the Son are part of the entity. The antichrist thus shrouds in mystery the identity of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ. This mystery hinders sincere people from imitating Jesus Christ and drawing close to God, as the Bible encourages them to. -1 Corinthians 11:1; James 4:8. 

The churches add to the confusion by promoting the use of the Bible translations  that omit God's personal name, Jehovah from the text.  They do this despite the fact that the name Jehovah occurs some 7,000 times in the original text of the Bible.  The result?  The identity of the true God becomes even more shrouded in mystery. 

On the other hand, knowing God's name, Jehovah has helped  many honest-hearted worshippers to draw closer to God. That was the experience of Richard, who recalls a conversation with two of Jehovah's Witnesses.   "They showed me from the Bible that the name of the true God is Jehovah," explains Richard.  "I was fascinated  by the thoughts that God has a personal name, something I had never heard before."  From that point on, he made changes in his life to conform to Bible standards and to please Jehovah.  "Learning God's name has helped me to develop a close relationship with him." 

For centuries, the antichrist has kept millions in spiritual darkness.  But by studying God's Word, the Bible, we are able to learn the true identity of the antichrist and be set free from the antichrist's religious lies and deceptions. -John 17:17


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

Who Is the Antichrist?


Long before John wrote about such religious deceivers, Jesus Christ advised his followers:  "Be on the watch for false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves."  (Matthew 7:15) The apostle Paul likewise warned Christians in Thessalonica:  "Let no one lead you astray in any way, because  it [the day of Jehovah] will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction." -2 Thessalonians 2:3. 

Hence, in the first century, false prophets and apostates were already at work, endeavoring to weaken the  Christian congregation.  All those involved in spreading lies and religious deception about Jesus Christ and his teachings were included in John's term "antichrist." Jehovah's view of them was revealed when Paul described them as "the son of destruction." 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


Who Is the Antichrist?

* A recent horror film was entitled Antichrist.

* A popular music group named of the albums Antichrist Superstar. 

* Friedrich Nietzche, 19th-century philosopher, named one of his works the Antichrist.

* Kings and emperors in the Middle Ages often called their opponents antichrists. 

* Martin Luther, German Reformation leader, labeled Roman Catholic popes as antichrists.

Since the term "antichrist" has long been used as a label for everything from monarchs to movies, it is only natural to ask:  "Who is the antichrist? Does this term have anything to do with us today? Surely the logical place to begin when searching for  the identity of the antichrist is in the Bible, where the term appears five times. 


The only Bible writer to use the word "antichrist" is the apostle John. How did he describe the antichrist? Note these words in the first letter bearing his name:  "Young children, it is the last hour, and just as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many  antichrists have appeared, from which fact we know that it were not of our sort . . .Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son." - 1 John 2:18, 19, 22.

What do we learn from those words?  John mentioned "many antichrists," indicating that the antichrist is, not an individual, but a collective term. People or organizations making up  the antichrist spread lies, deny that Jesus is the Christ or the Messiah, and try to distort the relationship between God  and His Son, Jesus Christ.   Those who make up the antichrist claim to be Christ or his representatives, but since "they went out from us," they deviated from true Bible teachings. Furthermore, this group  was present a the time when John wrote his letter, in "the last hour," presumably the end of the time of the apostles.

What else did John write regarding the antichrist?  Speaking about false prophets, he warned:  Every inspired statement that acknowledges Jesus Christ as having come in the flesh originates with God.  Furthermore, this is the antichrist's inspired  statement that you have heard was coming, and now it is already in the world." (1 John 4:2, 3)  Then, in his second letter, John reiterated this point:  "Many deceivers  have gone out into the world, those not acknowledging  Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 7) Clearly, John understood the antichrist to be all who deliberately spread false religious deception about Jesus Christ and Jesus' teachings.  

Next time: Who Is the Antichrist? - "FALSE PROPHETS" AND "THE MAN OF LAWLESSNESS" 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations


Following our family legacy, my parents, Geoffrey and Janice Williams, worked hard to raise my sister Katharine, and me to value Christian principles. At age 13, I made those values my own.  While attending a Christian assembly, I heard John E. Barr, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, urge young ones in the audience:  "Do not waste the most precious thing you have-the opportunity to know and love Jehovah."  That night I dedicated my life to Jehovah. Two years later, I started pioneering. Today, I enjoy preaching  full-time with my wife, Chloe, in Tom Price, a remote mining town in the northwest or Western Australia. We work part-time to care for our needs. My parents and my sister, Katherine, and her husband, Andrew, pioneer in Port Hedland, some 260 miles  (420 km) to the north.Dad and I also serve as congregation elders.

Seven generations ago, my ancestor Thomas Williams determined to serve Jehovah God.  That legacy of faith and service has been passed down to me. I feel truly blessed to have such a rich spiritual heritage. 

Next time: Who Is the Antichrist? 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations


Arthur Lindsay Williams, my great grandfather, was known and loved for his kind disposition. He always had time for people and treated them with respect. He was also a champion ax-man winning 18 regional wood-chopping events in 12 years.

Arthur, however, was less than impressed when his two-year-old son, Ronald (my grandfather), took and ax to an apple tree next to the family home. Ronald's mother carefully bandaged the tree, and it eventually bore apples of exceptional sweetness. Dubbed the Lady Williams apple, the new variety became a forbear of the Cripps Pink apple, one of the world's most popular apple varieties.  

Ronald, or Gramp, as I call him, later turned to more constructive pursuits. He and Grandma served for years as volunteer workers on Witness construction projects in Australia and the Solomon Islands. Now nearly 80 years old, Gramp still serves as a congregation elder and helps to build and renovate Kingdom Halls in Western Australia.

Next time: A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations - HONORING MY HERITAGE

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations


In 1883, Thomas Whitton Williams  and his wife Phoebe, moved their young family to Perth, Western Australia.  They second-oldest child, Arthur Bakewell Williams, my next direct ancestor, was then nine  years old. 

When Arthur was 22, he sought his fortune at Kalgoorlie, a gold-mining boom town some 370 miles (600 km) east of Perth. There he read some literature published by the International Bible Students, as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known. He also subscribed  to Zion's Watch Tower. Fascinated by what he read, Arthur began sharing his new found knowledge with others  and holding meetings for Bible study. From those humble beginnings sprang the modern activity of Jehovah's Witnesses in Western Australia.

Arthur also told the family about what he was learning. His father, Thomas Whitton, supported Arthur's association with the Bible Students but died soon afterward. His mother Phoebe, and his sisters, Violet and Mary, also became Bible Students. Violent became a full-time evangelizer, or pioneer. Arthur said that she was the "the finest and the most zealous and earnest pioneer Western Australia produced." Arthur was probably biased, but Violet's zealous example greatly influenced the next Williams generation.

In time, Arthur married and moved to Donnybrook, a fruit-growing town in southeast Western Australia. There he was nicknamed "Old Mad 1914!" because of his zealous proclamations of Bible prophecies pointing forward  to that year.  The teasing stopped when World War I broke out. Arthur regularly witnessed to customers in a store that he owned, where he displayed Bible literature prominently in the window.  The window also displayed a sign that offered 100 pounds to anyone who could prove the Trinity-an un-scriptural doctrine that Arthur firmly rejected. No one ever collected the money.

The William's home became a focal point for group Bible study and congregation meetings in Donnybrook. Later, Arthur build a Kingdom Hall, or meeting place, in town-one of the first in Western Australia. Well into his 70's, he would don a suit and tie, saddle up his old horse named Doll, and go preaching far and wide throughout the Donnybrook district. 

Arthur's children were deeply affected by their father, who was quiet and dignified, yet zealous. Hid daughter Florence served as a missionary in India. His sons, Arthur Lindsay and Thomas, like their father, served as longtime congregation elders.  

Next time:A Legacy That Lasted Seven Generations - SWEET LADY WILLIAMS

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations


During their early years in Fiji, Thomas and Mary endured severe hardships.  They labored long hours on primitive conditions and tropical heat.  They also confronted unspeakable horrors-tribal war, strangling of widows, infanticide, and cannibalism-and the local people generally resisted their message. Mary and her firstborn son, John fell sick and nearly died. In 1843, Thomas wrote:  "My heart was overwhelmed within me. . . .I was on the edge of desperation." Yet he and Mary persevered, drawing strength from their faith in Jehovah God.

Thomas, meanwhile, put his carpentry skills to good use by building the first European-style house in Fiji. The dwelling featured a ventilated raise floor and other innovations that aroused great curiosity among the local Fijians. Just before the house was completed, Mary gave birth to her second son, Thomas Williams, my direct ancestor. 

In 1843, Thomas senior helped to translate the Gospel of John into Fijian, a tast that he found particularly challenges. He was, however, a gifted anthropologist with keep powers of observation. He carefully recorded his research in his book, Fiji and the Fijians (1858), a classic account of the 19th-century Fijian life.

As a result of his 13 years of toil in Fiji, Thomas' health finally broke down, and he and his family moved to  Australia. After a long and distinguished career as a clergyman, Thomas died at Ballard, Victoria, in 1891. 

Next time: A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations - "GOLD" IN THE WEST

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generation -AS TOLD BY KEVIN WILLIAMS

People say I am much like my father. My posture, my eyes, and my sense of humor have all come from him. But he has also passed on something else-a legacy treasured by seven generations of my family. Let me explain. 

On January 20, 1815, my ancestor Thomas Williams, was born at Horncastle, England. His mother died two years later, so he and his three siblings were raised by their father, John Williams. John trained Thomas to be a carpenter, but Thomas aspired to a different career. 

A religious revival was then sweeping through England. Preacher John Wesley had split off from the Church of England to form the Society of Methodists, a group that emphasized personal Bible study and evangelism. Wesley's teachings spread like wildfire, and the Williams family firmly  embraced them. Thomas became a Wesleyan preacher and promptly  volunteered for missionary work in the South Pacific. In July 1840, he and his bride Mary, landed at Lakeba Island, Fiji, a volcanic Isle than inhabited by cannibals. 


From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


How to Age Gracefully


"Show yourselves thankful." (Colossians 3:15) When receiving help, show appreciation for the attention. Expressions of thankfulness help to cultivate good relationships.  "My husband and I recently moved from a house to an apartment. We had dozens of friends helping us.  We could not thank them enough. We sent personalized thank-your cards and have had some of them over for a meal since then,"  says Marie-Paule, 74, in Canada.  Jae-won, 76, in South Korea, appreciates the rides she gets to the Kingdom Hall. She says:  "I am so grateful  for all this help that I make a point of offering some money for the gas. I sometimes prepare small gifts with thank-you notes." 

Above all, be thankful for life itself.  "A live do is better off than a dead lion," wise King Solomon, reminded us. (Ecclesiastes 9:4) Yes, with the right attitude coupled  with willingness to adapt, it is possible to age gracefully.

Next time: A Legacy That Has Lasted Seven Generations

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015 

How to Age Gracefully


"Whoever isolates himself pursues his own selfish desires; he rejects all practical wisdom." (Proverbs 18:1) While there are times when you may want to be alone, avoid becoming isolated and withdrawn. Innocent, 72, in Nigeria, enjoys the company of friends.  "I joyfully associate  with people of all ages." Borje, 85, in Sweden, says:  "I strive  to be around young people.  Their vitality makes me feel young again-at least on the inside."  Take the initiative to invite friends over occasionally. Han-sik, 72, in South Korea, says:  "My wife and I like to invite friends of all ages-elderly ones and teenagers-for a get together or dinner." 

Friendly people are communicative. But since communication is a two-way street, you need to make it a point to be good company. Show personal interest in others. Helena, 71, in Mozambique, says:  "I am friendly and treat others with dignity. I listen to what the have to say in order to find out what they think and what they like."  Jose',73, in Brazil, says:  "People enjoy being around good listeners-those who show empathy and interest in others, who give a word of commendation at the right time, and who have a sense of humor." 

When expressing your thoughts, take care to 'season your words with salt.' (Colossians 4:6) Be thoughtful and encouraging.

Next time: How to Age Gracefully - BE THANKFUL

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

How to Age Gracefully


"Practice giving, and people will give to you." (Luke 6:38) Make it a practice to share some of your time and resources with  others. This will give you a feeling of accomplishment and happiness. Hosa, 85, in Brazil, makes a point to help others despite her physical limitations . She says: "I call friends who are sick or discouraged and write letters to them. Sometimes I send them little gifts. I also like to cook a meal or make a dessert for sick ones."

Generosity begets generosity.  "When you show love to others, the respond  by giving you their love and affection," says Jan, 66, in Sweden. Yes, a generous person creates an atmosphere of warmth and appreciation that others find enjoyable. 

Next time: Continue with How to Age Gracefully - BE FRIENDLY 

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


How to Age Gracefully

BE POSITIVE: "All the days of the afflicted one are bad, but the one with the cheerful heart has a continual feast." (Proverbs 15:15) As you age, you may experience negative feelings when you remember your youthful vigor and the many things you were once able to do.  This is understandable. However, make an effort not to be overcome by those negative feelings. Dwelling on the past can make your days gloomy and discourage you from doing what you are still able to do. Joseph, 79, in Canada, thinks positively:  "I try to enjoy doing the things I can do and not cry over the things that I need to  but can't do now."

Reading and learning can also make you feel more positive, broadening your horizons.  Thus, to the extent possible, be alert for opportunities to read and learn new things. Ernesto, 74, in the Philippines,  goes to the library and checks  out interesting books to read. He says, "I still enjoy the thrill of adventure, the joy of traveling beyond the confines of home through the written word."  Lennart, 75, in Sweden, even took on the daunting task of learning a new language. 

Next time: How to Age Gracefully - BE GENEROUS

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

How to Age Gracefully


"Wisdom is with the modest ones." (Proverbs 11:2) In this context, "the modest ones" can refer to elderly ones who recognized and come to terms with  the  limitations of their age, not trying to deny or ignore them. Charles, 93, in Brazil, is realistic when he says:  "If you live long, you will have to age. There is no way to turn back the clock."  

Being modest, however, in no ways means adopting a defeatist attitude "I am old, and there is nothing more for me." Such an attitude can sap one of enthusiasm.  "If you become discouraged in the day of distress, your strength will be meager," says Proverbs 24:10. Instead, a modest person shows wisdom, making the best of a situation. 

Conrad, 77, in Italy, wisely says: "When you drive uphill, you just change gears and avoid stalling the engine." Yes, adjustments need to be made when someone grows older. Corrado and his wife have developed a balanced approach to domestic chores, following a moderately relaxed schedule to avoid feeling completely drained of  energy at the end of the day. Marian, 81, in Brazil, also has a down-to-earth approach to aging.  "I have learned to pace myself," she says. "I take short breaks between tasks when necessary. I sit down or lie down to listen to music. I have learned to recognize and respect my limits." 


"Women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind." (1 Timothy 2:9)   The expression "appropriate dress" denotes balance and good taste. Barbara, 74, in Canada, says: "I try to look neat and clean. I don't want to look dowdy with that 'I'm old; I don't care what I look like' attitude." Fern, 91, in Brazil, says:  "I buy some new clothes once in a while to boost my spirits." And what can be said about older men?  "I try my best to look smart, wearing clean fresh clothes, " says Antonio, 73 in Brazil.  Regarding personal hygiene, he adds: "I shower and shave daily."   On the other hand, it is important to avoid becoming concerned about your personal appearance to the point of failing to exercise" soundness of mind."  Bok-im, 69, in South Korea, has a balanced view about clothes. She says: "I am quite aware that  it is not appropriate  for me to wear some of the clothes that i wore when I was young." 

Next time: Continue with How to Age Gracefully -BE POSITIVE

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

How to Age Gracefully

HOW do you feel when the thought of aging comes up? It fills many with concern, anxiety, and even dread.  This is because aging is usually associated  with negatives, such as diminished looks,  a frail body, memory loss, and chronic diseases. 

However, the fact is that people differ greatly in the way they age. Some enjoy relatively good health, physically and mentally, in their later years.  Advances in medicine have enabled others to treat or control chronic illnesses. As a  result, in some lands more and more people are living longer and healthier lives.  

Nevertheless, whether confronted with age-related  problems or not, most people wish to be able to age gracefully.  How can this be done?  In part, doing so depends on our attitude and our willingness and ability to  adapt to this new phase in life. To help in these areas, let us consider some simple and practical Bible principles. 

Next time: Continue with How to Age Gracefully -BE MODEST

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015


Science Has Its Limitations

Guidance That Science Cannot Provide

While science offers knowledge of the natural world, the Bible provides principles and guidance that lead to peaceful  relations and a happy, satisfying way of life. Consider the following examples.

Crime Prevention

Have regard for life

"You must not murder." 

Exodus 20:13. "Everyone who hates his brother is a murderer." -1 John 3;15. 

Make and keep peace

"Turn away from what is bad and do what is good; seek peace and pursue it." -Psalm 34:14. 

"The fruit of righteousness is sown in peaceful conditions for those who are making peace." -James 3;18. 

Shun Violence

"Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one; he hates anyone who loves violence." -Psalm 11:5.

"Do not envy the violent man nor choose any of his ways, for Jehovah detest a devious person." -Proverbs 3:31, 32. 

Family Happiness

Obey your parents

"Children, be obedient to your parents in union with the Lord, for this is righteous. 'Honor your father and your mother' is the first command with a promise: 'That it may go well with you and you may remain a long time on the earth.' " -Ephesians 6:1-3

Teach your children properly

"Do not be irritating your children, but go on bringing them up in the discipline of Jehovah." -Ephesians 6:4.

"Do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted." -Colossians 3:21. 

Love and respect your marriage mate

"Each one of you must love his wife as he does himself; on the other hand, the wife should have deep respect for  her husband." -Ephesians 5:33. 

Protection of the natural world

Regarding polluters of various kinds in ancient Israel, the Bible stated:  "The land has been polluted by its inhabitants . . .Those inhabiting it are held guilty .." (Isaiah 24:5, 6) God will hold wanton destroyers  of the environment accountable. He will "bring  to ruin all those ruining the earth." (Revelation 11:18)  They will not get away with their actions. 

Next time: How to Age Gracefully

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015