
Maintain Your Zeal for the Ministry


Jehovah's organization regularly offers suggestions designed to help us improve our ministry.  In addition to our house-to-house work, for example, we might engage in letter writing, telephone witnessing, preaching on the street or in other public places, and sharing the good new with people informally and in business territory.  We may also be able to arrange our affairs so that we can witness in seldom-worked territory. 

Are you open-minded about these suggestions? Have you tried to put some of them into practice? Many who have done so have been overjoyed with the results. Consider three examples.  

The first example involves the effect of something said in one of the Kingdom Ministry articles on how to start Bible studies. It moved a sister named April to offer a study to three of her coworkers.  She was surprised and thrilled when all three accepted her offer and also began to attend congregation meetings. 

The second example has to do with placing our magazines. We have been encouraged to search out people who are likely to respond to specific articles in our journals. A circuit overseer in the United States reported that he had offered an AWAKE! article on tires to the managers  of all the tire stores in the area.  He and his wife also took a series on "Understanding Your Doctor" to over 100 doctor's offices in the circuit. He says:  "Such visits have been very useful in introducing ourselves and the literature. After getting on friendly terms with individuals in these places, we have been able to increase our contact with them. 

The third example involves witnessing by telephone. A sister named Judy wrote to world headquarters to express appreciation for the encouragement to do telephone witnessing. She reported that her 86-year-old mother, who had many health problems, regularly shared in this form of sacred service and was gaining great joy from conducting a Bible study by telephone with a 92-year-old! 

The witnessing suggestions made in our publications really work. Use them! They can help you to maintain your joy and zeal for the ministry. 

Next time: Maintain Your Zeal for the Ministry -SET REASONABLE GOALS

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015. 

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