
How Science Affects Your Life


In an effort to expand  their horizon, modern  scientists are searching deep into the inner workings of the atom, while astrophysicists trace back billions of years, in an attempt  to understand the origin of  the universe. As they probe deep and far, even into realms that are invisible and untouchable, some scientists feel that if the God of the Bible exists, they should be able to find him. 

Some prominent scientists and philosophers go further. They carry on what science author Amir D. Aczel called "a scientific argument against the existence of God," for example, a world-famous  physicist  claimed that "the absence of evidence for any God who plays an important role in the universe proves beyond a reasonable doubt  that such  a god does not exist."   Others allude to the activity of the God of the Bible as "magic" and "supernatural shenanigans."  
(Note: These scientists only understand science, they have no concept or understanding of anything else, their intelligence only carries them so far. I believe, because of their intelligence that they cannot phantom anything that they cannot set their eyes on or hear.  That, to me, is a closed mind and an unbeliever.)  

However, the question must be asked:  Has science learned enough about the natural world to be able to draw definitive conclusions? The simple answer is no. Science has made tremendous progress, but many scientist recognize that there are still many unknowns and perhaps un-knowables.  "We will never get to the bottom of things," said physicist and Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg on understanding nature. Professor Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal of Great Britain, wrote:   " There may be things that humans will never understand." The truth is that much of nature, from the tiny cell to the vast universe, still  remains beyond grasp of modern science.  Note the following examples:

* Biologists do not fully understand the processes that take place in living cells. How cells consume energy, how they produce proteins,  and how they divide are questions science has not yet completely answered. 

* Gravity affects us every second of every day.  Yet it is something of a mystery to physicists.  They do not know fully how gravity pulls you down to the ground when you jump or how it keeps the moon in orbit around the earth. 

* Cosmologists estimate that about 95 percent of what makes up the universe is invisible and undetectable by scientific instruments. They divide this strange entity into two categories, dark matter and dark energy.  The matter of these remains unknown.

Next time: Conclusion of THE  REACH OF MODERN SCIENCE

From the Watchtower magazine, 2015

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