
A Great Teacher Show Us the Creator More Clearly - Conclusion of A Samaritan Woman

There is another lesson we can draw from Jesus' willingness to teach  this woman. She was then living with a man who was not her husband.  (John 4:16-19)  Yet, Jesus did not let this prevent him from speaking to her. You can understand that she must have appreciated being treated with dignity.  And her her experience was not unique.  When some Jewish leaders (Pharisees) criticized Jesus for dining with  repentant sinners, he said:  "Persons in health, do not need a physician, but the ailing do. Go, then, and learn what this means, 'I want mercy, and not sacrifice.' For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners."  (Matthew 9:10-13) Jesus extended assistance to people groaning under the burden of their sins-their violations of God's laws or standards.  How   heartwarming it is to learn that God and his Son will help those who have problems that result from their past conduct! -Matthew 11:28-30.

Let us not overlook that on this occasion in Samaria, Jesus spoke kindly and helpfully to a woman. Why is this significant?  Back then Jewish men were taught that in the street they should avoid speaking to women, even to their own wives. Jewish Rabbis did not consider women able to take in deep spiritual instruction but regarded them as "of a light mind."  Some said:  "Better than the words of the law should be  burned than deliver[ed] to women."  Jesus' disciples had grown up in such a climate; so they when they returned, they "began to wonder because he was speaking to a woman."  (John 4:27) This account-one of many-illustrates that Jesus was in the image of his Father, who created and assigned honor to both male and female. -Genesis 2:18. 

Afterward the Samaritan woman convinced her fellow townspeople to listen to Jesus. Many examined the facts and became believers, saying:  "We know that this man if for a certainty the savior of the world."  (John 4:39-42)  Since we are a part of "the world" of mankind, Jesus is vital to our future too. 

Next time: A Great Teacher Shows Us the Creator More Clearly - A Fisherman's View

From the  book: Is There a Creator That Cares About You?

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