
What Can You Learn About the Creator From a Book? - Getting to Know the Author Better

We get acquainted with another person by conversing with him and by seeing how he reacts to different circumstances.  Both are possible in coming to know other humans. We cannot possibly engage in direct conversation with him. As we have established, though, he reveals much about himself in the Bible-both by what he has said and by how he has acted. Furthermore, this unique book actually  invites us to cultivate a relationship  with the Creator. It urges us: "Draw close to God, and will draw close to you." -James 2:23; 4:8. 

Consider a prime step:  If you wanted to be someone's friend, you certainly would learn his name.  Well, what is the name of the Creator, and what does his name reveal about him?

The Hebrew portion of the Bible (often  called the Old Testament) provides us  with the unique name of the Creator. It is represented in ancient manuscripts by four Hebrew consonants that can be transliterated YHWH or JHVH.  The Creator's name appears about 7,000 times, far more often than titles such as God or Lord.  For many centuries those who read the Hebrew Bible used that personal name. In time, though, many Jews developed a superstitious fear of pronouncing the divine name, and so they did not  preserve its pronunciation.  

Next time: What Can You Learn About the Creator From a Book? - Conclusion of Getting to Know the Author Better

From the book Is There a Creator That Cares About You? 

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