
Conclusion of Doing Without a Creator-Why?

Yet, we must admit that the reason may reject the existence of a Creator is that they do not want to believe.  "Even if God were to tell me personally that I had to change my life," A European industrialist told an employee:  "I still  would not do it. I want to live my life the way I like it."  Clearly, some feel that admitting the authority of a Creator would conflict with their freedom or with the life-style they prefer.  They may proclaim, 'I only believe what I see, and I can't see any invisible Creator.'

Apart from why individuals have 'done without a Creator,' questions about life and its meaning persist.  The day after man landed on the moon, theologian Karl Barth was asked about this technological triumph.  He said:  "It solves none of the problems that keep me awake at night."  Today man is flying in space and speeding along in cyberspace.  Still, thinking people see the need to have a purpose, something that gives meaning to their life. 

We invite all who have an open mind to consider this subject.  The book Belief in God and Intellectual Honesty notes that one who possesses "intellectual honesty" is characterized  by a "readiness to scrutinize what one believes to be true" and "to pay sufficient attention to other evidence available."  

In the subject at hand, such "evidence available can help us to see whether there is a Creator behind life and the universe.  And if a Creator exists, what might that one be like?  Would a creator have a personality that relates to our lives? Our considering this can shed light on how our lives  can become more meaningful and rewarding.  

Next time: Chapter 2/How Did Our Universe Get Here?-The Controversy

From the book Is There a Creator That Cares About You? 

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