
May He . . . Give Success to All Your Plans - PLANS THAT WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY

What plans does Jehovah recommend for you?  He created humans to find happiness by knowing him and by serving him faithfully.  (Psalm 128:1; Matthew 5:3) This is in sharp contrast with the animals he created, which are content merely to eat, drink, and produce offspring. God wants you to find happiness by planning for things other than those that satisfy animals.  Your Creator is "the God of love,"  The happy God," who made humans "in his image."  (2 Corinthians 13:11; 1 Timothy 1:11; Genesis 1:27)  You will be happy when you imitate your loving God.  Have you ever experienced the truth of the scripture that says: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving"?  (Acts 20:35)  That is a basic truth about human life.  Therefore, Jehovah desires that your plans focus on demonstrating love for others and for God. -Read Matthew 22:36-39.  

Jesus Christ set the perfect example for you young ones. As a child, he no doubt played and had fun.  God's Word says that there is "a time to laugh . . . and a time to dance."  (Ecclesiastes 3:4)  Jesus also drew close to Jehovah by studying the Scriptures.  When he was 12 years old, the teachers at the temple were amazed at "his understanding and his answers" regarding spiritual matter. -Luke 2:42, 46, 47. 

Jesus grew up to be a happy adult. What made him happy?  He knew that, among other things, God wanted him "to declare the good news to the poor . . . and a recovery of sight to the blind."  (Luke 4:18)  Doing what God asked him to do made Jesus happy.  Psalm 40:8 expresses his feelings:  "To Do your will, O my God, is my delight."   Jesus enjoyed teaching people about his heavenly Father.  (Read Luke 10:21)  Once, after teaching a woman about true worship, Jesus said to his disciples:  "My food is doing the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:31-34)  Showing love for God and for others made Jesus happy. It can make you happy too. 

Many Christians experienced happiness in their youth as pioneers. Why not discuss  your plans with some of them? "Plans fail when there is no consultation, but there is accomplishment through many advisers."  (Proverbs 15:22)  Such spiritual people may tell you that the full-time ministry provides and education that benefits you throughout life.  After having been instructed by his Father in heaven, Jesus continued to learn  during his earthly ministry.  For example, he learned the joy of reaching hearts with the good news and also the joy of keeping integrity under test.  (Read Isaiah 50:4; Hebrew 5:8; 12:2)  Let us consider some aspects of full-time service that could make you happy. 

Next time: May He . . .Give Success to All Your Plans - WHY DISCIPLE MAKERS ARE SUCCESSFUL

From the jw.org publications 

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