
How Unique You Are! -Your Frontal Lobe

Most neurons in the outer layer of the brain, the cerebral cortex, are not linked directly to the muscles and sensory organs.  For example, consider the billions of neurons that make up the frontal lobe.  brain scans prove that the frontal lobe becomes active when you think of a word or call  up memories.  The front part of the brain plays a special role n your being you. 

The prefrontal cortex . . . is most involved with elaboration of thought, intelligence, motivation, and personality. It associates experiences necessary  for the production of abstract ideas, judgments, persistence, planning, concern for others, and conscience. . . .It is the elaboration of this region that sets human beings apart from other animals."  (Marieb's Human Anatomy and Physiology)  we certainly see evidence of this distinction in what humans have accomplished in fields such as mathematics, philosophy, and justice, which primarily involves the frontal cortex. 

Why do humans have a large, flexible prefrontal cortex, which contributes to higher mental functions, whereas in animals this area is rudimentary or nonexistent?  The contrast is so great that biologists who claim that we evolved  speak of the  "mysterious explosion in brain size."  Professor of Biology Richard F.Thompson, noting the extraordinary expansion of our cerebral cortex, admits: "As yet we have no very clear understanding of why this happened." Could the reason lie in man's having been created with this peerless brain capacity? 

Next time: How Unique You Are! -Unequaled Communication Skills

From the book: Is There a Creator That Cares About You?

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