
What Can You Learn About the Creator From a Book? - Can You Find HIm?

The enemy who led the first human couple into rebellion is designated in the Bible as Satan the Devil, which means "Resister" and "Slanderer." In the sentence issued to that chief instigator of rebellion, God branded him as an enemy but laid a basis for future humans to have hope.  God said:  "I shall put enmity between you and [Satan] and the woman and between your seed and her seed. He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel."  (Genesis 3:15)  Obviously, that is figurative, or illustrative, language.  What does it mean when it is said that some "seed" was to come?

Other parts of the Bible shed light on this intriguing verse.  They show that it is tied in with Jehovah's living up to his name and 'becoming' what is need to fulfill his purpose for humans on earth.  In his doing so, he used one particular nation, and the history of his dealings with that ancient nation  makes up a significant portion of the Bible. Let us consider briefly that important history.  In the process, we can learn more about our Creator's qualities. Indeed, we can learn many priceless things about him by making a further explanation of the book he provided for mankind, the Bible. 

Chapter 8: The Creator Reveals Himself-To Our Benefit!

From the book Is There a Creator That Cares About You?

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