
An Ancient Record-Can You Trust It? -Conclusion of Invisible Things In the Heavens

"True,' one may say, 'but what does this have to do with the record of creation that I can read in the Bible?'  Well, the Bible is not a scientific textbook as such, yet it has proved to be up-to-date and in harmony with scientific facts.  From beginning to end, the Bible points to the One who created all the matter in the universe, the Scientist.  (Nehemiah 9"6; Acts 4:24; Revelation 4:11)  And it clearly shows the relationship between energy and matter.

For example, the Bible invites readers to do this:  "Raise your eyes high up and see . Who has created these things?  It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number, all of whom he calls even by name. Due to the abundance of dynamic energy, he also being vigorous in power, not one of them is missing."  (Isaiah 40:26)  Yes, the Bible is saying that a source of tremendous  dynamic energy-the Creator-caused the material universe to come into existence.  This is completely in harmony with modern technology.  For this reason alone, the Biblical record of creation merits our deep respect.

After creating in the heavens things both invisible and visible, the Creator and his firstborn Son, focused on the earth.  Where did it come from?  The variety of chemical elements making up our planet could have been produce directly by God's transforming unlimited dynamic energy into matter, which physicists  today say is feasible.  Or, as many scientists believe, the earth could have been formed out of matter, ejected from the explosion of a supernova. Then, again, who is to say whether there might have been a combination  of methods, those just mentioned and others that scientists have not yet unraveled?  Whatever the mechanism, the Creator is the dynamic Source of the elements that make up our earth, including all the minerals that are essential for keeping us alive. 

You can appreciate that founding the earth would have involved much more than supplying all the materials in the correct proportions.  Earth's size, its rotation, and its distance from the sun, as well as the inclination of its axis and the nearly circular shape of its orbit around the sun, also had to be just right-exactly as they are.  Clearly, the Creator set in operation natural cycles that make our planet  fit to support an abundance of life.  We have every right to be amazed at it all.  But imagine the reaction of heavenly spirit sons as the watched the producing of the earth and life upon it!  One Bible book says that they "joyfully cried out together" and "began shouting in applause." -Job 38:4, 7.

Next time:  An Ancient Record-Can You Trust It? -Understanding Genesis Chapter 1

From the book Is There a Creator That Cares About You?

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