Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love"-What Does Jehovah See in Us?
Second, the Bible teaches us what Jehovah values in his servants. Simply put, he delights in our good qualities and in the efforts we put forth. King David told his son Solomon: "All hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning." (1 Chronicles 28:9) As God searches through billions of human hearts in this violent, hate-filled world, how delightful he must be when he comes upon a heart that loves peace, truth, and righteousness! What happens when God finds a heart that swells with love for him, that seeks to learn about him and to share such knowledge with others? Jehovah tells us that he takes note of those who tell others about him. He even has "a book of remembrance" for all "those in fear of Jehovah and for those thinking upon his name." (Malachi 3:16) Such qualities are precious to him.
What are some good works that Jehovah values? Certainly our efforts to imitate his Son, Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:21) One vital work that God values is the spreading of the good news of his Kingdom. At Romans 10:15, we read: "How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!" We may not normally think of our lowly feet as being "comely," or beautiful. But here they represent the efforts of Jehovah's servants make in preaching the good news. All such efforts are beautiful and precious in his eyes. -Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20.
Next time: Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love"-Conclusion of What Does Jehovah See in Us?
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Chapter 24/ Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love" - Jehovah Values You
First the Bible directly teaches that God sees worth in each of his servants. For example, Jesus said: "Do not two sparrows sell for a coin of small value? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:29-31) Consider what those words meant to Jesus' first-century listeners.
We may wonder why anyone would buy a sparrow. Well, in Jesus' day the sparrow was the cheapest of the birds sold as food. Notice that for one coin of small value, a purchaser got two sparrows. But Jesus later stated that if a person was prepared to spend two coins, he got, not four sparrows, but five. The extra bird was added as a though it had no value at all. Perhaps such creatures were worthless in the eyes of men,m but how did the Creator view them? Said Jesus: "Not one of them [not even he one added in] goes forgotten before God." (Luke 12:6, 7) Now we may begin to see Jesus' point. If Jehovah places such value on a single sparrow, of how much greater worth is a human! As Jesus explained, Jehovah knows every detail about us. Why, the very hairs of our head are numbered!
Our hairs numbered? Some might assume that Jesus was being unrealistic here. Just think, though, about the hope of the resurrection. How intimately Jehovah must know us in order to recreate us! He values us so much that he remembers every detail, including our genetic code and all our years of memories and experiences. Numbering our hairs-of which the average head grows about 100,000-would be a simple feat by comparison.
Next time: Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love" - What Does Jehovah See in Us?
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Chapter 24/Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love"
DOES Jehovah God love you personally? Some agree that God loves mankind in general, as John 3"16 says. But they feel, in effect: 'God could never love me as an individual.' Even true Christians may occasionally have doubts in that respect. Discouraged, one man said: "I find it very difficult to believe that God cares anything about me." Do similar doubts afflict you at times?
Satan is eager for us to believe that Jehovah God neither loves us nor values us. True, Satan often seduces people by appealing to their vanity and pride. (2 Corinthians 11:3) But he also delights in crushing the self-respect of vulnerable ones. (John 7:47-49; 8:13, 44) This is particularly so in these critical "last days." Many today grow up in families where there is no "natural affection." Others are constantly exposed to those who are fierce, selfish, and headstrong. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) Years of being subjected to ill-treatment, racism, or hatred may have convinced such ones that they are worthless or unlovable.
If you sense such negative feelings in yourself, do not despair. Many of us are unreasonably hard on ourselves from time to time. But remember, God's Word is designed for "setting things straight" and for "overturning strongly entrenched things." (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Corinthians 10:4) The Bible says: "We shall assure our hearts before him as regards whatever our heart may condemn us in, because God is greater than our hearts and knows all things." (1 John 3:19, 20) Let us consider four ways in which the Scriptures help us to "assure our hearts." of Jehovah's love.
Next time: Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love"-Jehovah Values You
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us"-Jehovah Took the Initiative
How painful that must have been for Jehovah! But did this rebellion embitter his loving heart? No! "His loving-kindness [or, "loyal love,"] is to time indefinite." (Psalm 136:1) Thus, he immediately purposed to make loving provisions to redeem any rightly disposed offspring of Adam and Eve. As we have seen, those provisions included the ransom sacrifice of his beloved Son, which cost the Father so dearly. -1 John 4:10.
Yes, from the beginning Jehovah has taken the initiative in showing love to mankind. In countless ways, "he first love us." Love promotes harmony and joy, so it is no wonder that Jehovah is described as "the happy God." (1 Timothy 1:11) However, an important question arises. Does Jehovah really love us as individuals? The next chapter will address that matter.
Next time: Chapter 24/ Nothing Can "Separate Us From God's Love"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us"- Jehovah Took the Initiative
Love is not new. After all, what moved Jehovah to begin creating? It was not that he was lonely and needed companionship. Jehovah is complete and self-contained,lacking nothing that someone else might supply. But his love, an active quality, naturally moved him to want to share the joys of life with intelligent creatures who could appreciate such a gift. (Revelation 3:14) Then Jehovah used this Master Worker to bring all other things into existence, starting with the angels. (Job 38:4, 7; Colossians 1:16) Blessed with the freedom, intelligence, and feelings, these mighty spirit creatures had the opportunity to form loving attachments of their own-with one another and, above all, with Jehovah God. (2 Corinthians 3:17) Thus, they loved because they were loved first.
So it was with mankind as well. From the start, Adam and Eve were virtually bathed in love. Everywhere they looked in their Paradise home in Eden, they could see evidence of the Father's love for them. Note that the Bible says: "Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden, toward the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed." (Genesis 2:8) Have you ever been in a truly beautiful garden or park? What pleased you most? The light filtering through the leaves in a shady alcove? The stunning array of colors in a bed of flowers? The background music of a gurgling brook, singing birds, and humming insects? What about the scent of trees, fruits, and blossoms? In any case, no park today could compare with the one in Eden. Why?
That garden was planted by Jehovah himself! It must have been indescribably lovely. Every tree delightful for beauty or for delicious fruit was there. The garden was well watered, spacious, and alive with fascinating variety of animals. Adam and Even had everything to make their lives happy and full, including rewarding work and perfect companionship. Jehovah first love them, and they had every reason to respond in kind. Yet, they failed to do so. Instead of lovingly obeying their heavenly Father, they selfishly rebelled against him. -Genesis, chapter 2.
Next time: "He First Loved Us"-Conclusion of Jehovah Took the Initiative
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us" -Conclusion of "God Is Love"
It is often said that Jehovah is the very personification of love. Hence, if we want to learn about principled love,we must learn about Jehovah. Of course, we may see this beautiful quality in humans as well. But why is it there?At the time of creation, Jehovah spoke these words, evidently to his Son: "Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness." (Genesis 1:26) Of course all the creatures on this earth, only men and women can choose to love and thus imitate their heavenly Father. Recall that Jehovah used various creatures to symbolize his cardinal attributes. Yet, Jehovah chose his highest earthly creation, man, as the symbol of His dominant quality, love. -Ezekiel 1:10.
When we love in an unselfish, principled way,we are reflecting Jehovah's dominant quality. It is just as the apostle John wrote: "As for us, we love, because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19) But in what ways has Jehovah loved us first?
Next time: "He First Love Us" -Jehovah Took the Initiative
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us"- "God Is Love"
The Bible says something about love that it never says about Jehovah's other cardinal attributes. The Scriptures do not say that God is power or that God is justice or even that God is wisdom. He possesses those qualities, , is the ultimate source of them, and is beyond comparison in regard to all three. About the fourth attribute, though, something more profound is said: "God is love." (1 John 4:8) What does that mean?
"God is love"is not a simple equation, as if to say. "God equals love." We cannot rightly reverse the statement and say that "love is God." Jehovah is much more than an abstract quality. He is a person with a wise array of feelings and characteristics in addition to love. Yet, love runs very deep in Jehovah. One reference work thus says regarding this verse: "God's essence or nature is love." Generally, we might think of it this way: Jehovah's power enables him to act. His justice and his wisdom guide the way he acts. but Jehovah's love motivates him to act. And his love is always present in the way he uses his other attributes.
Next time: "He First Loved Us"- Conclusion of "God Is Love"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us" - Conclusion of Divine Love Defined
A-ga'pe refers to love that is guided by principle. So it is more than just an emotional response to another person. It is broader in scope, more thoughtful and deliberate in its basis. Above all, a-ga'pe is utterly unselfish. For example, look again at John 3:16. What is "the world" that God love so much that he gave his only-begotten Son? It is the world of redeemable mankind. That includes many people who are pursuing a sinful course in life. Does Jehovah love each one as a personal friend, the way he loved faithful Abraham? (James 2:23) No, but Jehovah lovingly extends goodness toward all, even at great cost to himself. He wants all to repent and change their ways. (2 Peter 3:9) Many do. These he happily receives as his friends.
Some, though, have the wrong idea about a-ga'pe. They think that it means a cold, intellectual type of love. The fact that a-ga'pe often includes warm personal affection. For example, when John wrote, "the Father loves the Son," he used a form of the word a-ga'pe. Is that love devoid of warm affection? Note that Jesus said, "The Father has affection for the Son," using a form of the word phi-le'o. (John 3:35; 5:20) Jehovah's love often includes tender affection However, his love is never swayed by mere sentiment. It is always guided by his wise and just principles.
As we have seen, all of Jehovah's qualities are sterling, perfect, and appealing. But love is the most appealing of all! Nothing draws us so powerfully to Jehovah. Happily, love is also his dominant quality. How do we know that?
Next time: "He First Loved Us" -"God Is Love"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us" -Divine Love Defined
What does this word "love" mean? Love has been described as the greatest need humans have. From the cradle to the grave, people strive after love, thrive in its warmth, even pine away and die for lack of it. Nonetheless, it is surprisingly difficult to define. Of course, people talk a lot about love. There is an endless stream of books, songs, and poems about it. The results do not always clarify the meaning of love. If anything the word is so overused that its true meaning seems ever more elusive.
The Bible, however, teaches with clarity about love. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words note: "Love can be known only from the actions it prompts." The Bible record of Jehovah's actions teaches us a great deal about his love-the benevolent affection he has for his creatures. For example, what could reveal more about this quality than Jehovah's own supreme act of love described earlier? In the chapters to follow, we will see many other examples of Jehovah's love in action. Additionally, we can gain some insight from the original words for "love" used in the Bible. In the ancient Greek tongue, there were four words for "love." Of these, the one used most often in the Christian Greek Scriptures is a-ga'pe. One Bible dictionary calls this "the most powerful word imaginable for love." Why?
Next time: "He First Loved Us" -Conclusion of Divine Love Defined
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Loved Us" -Conclusion of The Greatest Act of Love
Nevertheless, the Father dispatched his Son to the earth to be born as a human baby. Doing so meant that for some decades, Jehovah had to forgo intimate association with his beloved Son in heaven. With intense interest, He watched from heaven as Jesus grew up to be a perfect man. At about 30 years of age, Jesus got baptized. We do not have to guess how Jehovah felt about him. The Father spoke personally from heaven: "This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved." ( Matthew 3:17) Seeing that Jesus faithfully did all that had been prophesied, all that was asked of him, his Father must have been so pleased! -John 5:36; 17:4.
How, though, did Jehovah feel on Nisan 14, 33 C.E.? How did he feel as Jesus was betrayed and then arrested by a mob in the night? As Jesus was deserted by his friends and subjected to an illegal trial? As he was ridiculed, spat upon, and struck with fists? As he was scourged, his back torn to ribbons? As he was nailed, hands and feet, to a wooden pole and left to hang there while people reviled him? How did the Father feel as his beloved Son cried out to him in the throes of agony? How did Jehovah feel as Jesus breathed his last, and for the first time since the dawn of all creation, His dear Son was not in existence? -Matthew 26:14-16, 46; 47, 56, 58, 67; 27:38-44, 46; John 19:1.
Words fail us. Since Jehovah has feelings, the pain he suffered over the death of his Son is beyond the power of our words to express. What can be expressed is Jehovah's motive for having allowed it to happen. Why did the Father subject himself to such feelings? Jehovah reveals something wonderful to us at John 3:16- a Bible verse so important that it has been called the Gospel in miniature. It says: "God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." So Jehovah's motive amounted to this: love. Jehovah's gift-his sending his Son to suffer and die for us-was the greatest act of love ever.
Next time: "He First Loved Us" - Divine Love Defined
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"He First Love Us" -The Greatest Act of Love
The Roman centurion who supervised the execution of Jesus was astonished both by the darkness that proceeded Jesus' death and by the violent earthquake that followed it. "Certainly this was God's Son," he said. (Matthew 27:54) Clearly, Jesus was no ordinary man. That soldier had helped to execute the only-begotten Son of the Most High God! Just how dear was this Son to his Father?
The Bible calls Jesus "the firstborn of all creation." (Colossians 1:15) Just think-Jehovah's Son was in existence before the physical universe. How long, then, were Father and Son together? Some scientists estimate that the universe is 13 billion years old. Can you even imagine that much time? To help people grasp the age of the universe as estimated by scientists, one planetarium features a time line of 360 feet long. As visitors walk along that time line, each step they take represents about 75 million years in the life of the universe. At the end of the time line, all human history is represented by a single mark the thickness of one human hair! Yet, even if this estimate is correct, that entire time line would not be long enough to represent the life span of Jehovah's Son! How was he occupied during all those ages?
The Son happily served as his Father's "master worker." (Proverbs 8:30) The Bible says: "Apart from [the Son] not even one thing came into existence." (John 1:3) So Jehovah and his Son worked to together to bring all other things into being. What thrilling, happy times they had! Now, many will agree that the love between parent and child is amazingly strong. And love "is a perfect bond of union." (Colossians 3:14) Who of us, then, can begin to fathom the power of a bond that has existed over such an immense span of time? Clearly, Jehovah God and his Son are united by the strongest bond of love ever forged.
Next time: "He First Loved Us" -Conclusion of The Greatest Act of Love
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Chapter 23/ "He First Loved Us"
ON A spring day nearly 2,000 years ago, an innocent man was tried, convicted of crimes he had never committed, and then tortured to death. It was not the first cruel and unjust execution in history, nor, sadly, was it the last. Yet, that death was unlike any other.
As that man suffered through his final, agonizing hours, heaven itself marked the significance of the event. Though it was the middle of the day, darkness suddenly descended on the land. As one historian put it, "the sunlight failed." (Luke 23:44, 45) Then, just before the man breathed his last, he said these unforgettable words: "It has been accomplished!" Indeed, by laying down his life, he accomplished something wonderful. His sacrifice was the greatest act of love ever performed by any humans. -John 15:13; 19:30.
That man, of course, was Jesus Christ. His suffering and death on that dark, day, Nisan 14, 33 C.E., are well-known. However, an important fact has often been ignored. Though Jesus suffered intensely, someone else suffered even more. In fact, someone else made an even greater sacrifice that day-the greatest act of love ever performed by anyone in the universe. What act was that? The answer provides a fitting introduction to the most important of subjects: Jehovah's love.
Next time: Chapter 23/"He First Loved Us" -The Greatest Act of Love
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Is "the Wisdom From Above"at Work in Your Life?-"Safeguard Practical Wisdom"
Godly wisdom is a gift from Jehovah, one that we should safeguard. Solomon said: "My son, . . . safeguard practical wisdom and thinking ability." (Proverbs 3:21) Sadly, Solomon himself failed to do that. He remained wise as long as he kept an obedient heart. But in the end, his many foreign wives turned his heart away from the pure worship of Jehovah. (1 Kings 11:1-8) Solomon's outcome illustrates that knowledge is of little value if we do no put it to good use.
How can we safeguard practical wisdom? Not only must we regularly read the Bible-based publications provided by "the faithful and discreet slave" but we must also endeavor to apply what we learn. (Matthew 24:45) We have every reason to apply divine wisdom. It means a better way of life now. It enables us to "get a firm hold on the real life"-life in God's new world. (1 Timothy 6:19) And most important, cultivating the wisdom from above draws us closer to the source of all wisdom, Jehovah God.
Next time: Chapter 23/ "He First Loved Us"
From the book: Draw Closer to Jehovah
Is"the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -Not Making Partial Distinctions, Not Hypocritical"
"Not making partial distinctions." Godly wisdom rules above racial prejudice and national pride. If we are guided by such wisdom, we endeavor to root out of our hearts any tendency to show favoritism. (James 2:9) We do not give preferential treatment to others on the basis of their educational background, financial standing, or congregational responsibility; nor do we look down on any of our fellow worshipers, regardless of how lowly they may seem to be. If Jehovah has made such ones recipients of his love, we should certainly deem them worthy of our love.
"Not hypocritical." The Greek word for "hypocrite" can refer to "an actor who played a role." in ancient times, Greek and Roman actors wore large masks when performing. Hence, the Greek word for "hypocrite" cam to apply to one putting on a pretense, or one playing false. This aspect of godly wisdom should influence not just how we treat fellow worshipers but also how we feel about them.
The apostle Peter noted that our "obedience to the truth" should result in "non-hypocritical brotherly affection." (1 Peter 1:22) Yes, our affection for our brothers must not be put on for show. We do not wear masks or play roles in order to deceive others. Our affection for our brothers must be genuine, heartfelt. If it is, we will earn the trust of our fellow believers, for they will know that we are what we appear to be. Such sincerity paves the way for open and honest relationships between Christians and helps to create a trusting atmosphere in the congregation.
Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Safeguard Practical Wisdom"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Full of Mercy and Good Fruits"
"Full of mercy and good fruits." Mercy is an important part of the wisdom from above, for such wisdom is said to be "full of mercy." Notice that "mercy" and "good fruits" are mentioned together. This is fitting, for in the Bible. mercy often refers to an active concern for others, a compassion that produces a rich crop of kindly deeds. One reference work defines mercy as "a feeling of sorrow over someone's" bad situation and trying to do something about it." Hence, godly wisdom is not dry, heartless, or merely intellectual. Instead, it is warm, heartfelt, and sensitive. How can we show that we are full of mercy?
Surely an important way is by sharing the good news of God's Kingdom, with others. What motivates us to do this work? Primarily, it is love for God. But we are also motivated by mercy, or compassion for others. (Matthew 22:37-39) Many today are "skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd." (Matthew 9:36) They have been neglected and blinded spiritually by false religious shepherds. As a result, they do not know of the wise guidance found in God's Word or of the blessings that the Kingdom will soon bring to this earth. When we thus ponder the spiritual needs of those around us, our heartfelt compassion moves us to do all we can to tell them of Jehovah's loving purpose.
In what other ways can we show that we are full of mercy? Recall Jesus' illustration of the Samaritan who found a traveler lying by the roadside, robbed, and beaten. Moved with compassion, the Samaritan "acted mercifully," binding the victim's wounds and caring for him. (Luke 10:29-37) Does this not illustrate that mercy involves offering practical help to those in need? The Bible tells us to "work what is good toward all, but especially toward those related to us in the faith." (Galatians 6:10) Consider some possibilities. An older fellow believer may need transportation to and from Christian meetings. A widow in the congregation may need help with repairs on her home. (James 1:27) A discouraged one may need a "good word" to cheer him up. (Proverbs 12:25) When we show mercy in such ways, we give proof that the wisdom from above is at work in us.
Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Not Making Partial Distinctions, Not Hypocritical"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Reasonable, Ready to Obey"
"Reasonable." What does it mean to be reasonable? According to scholars, the original Greek word rendered "reasonable" at James 3:17 is difficult to translate. Translators have used such a word as "gentle," "forbearing," and "considerate." A footnote in the New World Translation indicates that the literal meaning is "yielding." How can we demonstrate that this aspect of the wisdom from above is at work in us?
"Let your reasonableness become known to all men," says Philippians 4:5. Another translation reads: "Have a reputation for being reasonable." (The New Testament in Modern English, by J.B. Phillips) Notice that it is not so much a questions of how we see ourselves; it is a question of how others see us, of how we are known. A reasonable person does not always insist on the letter of the law or on having his own way. Instead, he is willing to listen to others and, when appropriate, to yield to their wishes. He is also gentle, nor rough or harsh, in his dealings with others. While this is essential for all Christians, it is especially important for those serving as elders. Gentleness attracts, making elders approachable. (1 Thessalonians 2:7, 8) We all do well to ask ourselves, 'Do I have a reputation for being considerate, yielding, and gentle?'
"Ready to obey." The Greek word rendered "ready to obey is not found elsewhere in the Christian Greek Scriptures. According to one scholar, this word "is often used of military discipline." It conveys the idea of "easy to be persuaded" and "submissive." One who is governed by the wisdom from above readily submits to what the Scriptures say. He is not known as one who makes up his mind and then refuses to be influenced by any facts that contradict him. Rather, he is quick to change when he is presented with clear Scriptural evidence that he has taken a wrong stand or has drawn erroneous conclusions. Is that how you are know by others?
Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? - "Full of Mercy and Good Fruits"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Is "the Wisdom From Above"at Work in Your Life? -"Chaste, Then Peaceable"
"First of all chaste." To be chaste means to be pure and undefiled not just outwardly but inwardly. The Bible associates wisdom with the heart, but heavenly wisdom cannot enter into a heart that is defiled by wicked thoughts, desires, and motives. (Proverbs 2:10; Matthew 15:19, 20) However, if our heart is chaste-that is, as far as is possible for imperfect humans-we will "turn away from what is bad and do what is good." (Psalm 37:27) Is it not fitting that chasteness is the first quality of wisdom listed? After all, we are not morally and spiritually clean, how can we truly reflect the other qualities of the wisdom from above?
"Then peaceable." Heavenly wisdom moves us to pursue peace, which is a fruit of God's spirit. (Galatians 5:22) We strive to avoid disrupting the "bond of peace" that unites Jehovah's people. (Ephesians 4:3) We also do our best to restore peace when it is disturbed. Why is this important? The Bible says: "Continue . . . to live peaceably; and the God of peace will be with you." (2 Corinthians 13:11) So as long as we continue to live peaceably, the God of peace will be with us. The way we treat fellow worshipers has a direct bearing on our relationship with Jehovah. How can we prove ourselves to be peace-makers? Consider an example.
What should you do if you sense that you have offended a fellow worshiper? Jesus said: "If, then, you are bringing your gift to the altar and you there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar, and go away; first make your peace with your brother, and then, when you have come back, offer up your gift." (Matthew 5:23, 24) You can apply that counsel by taking the initiative to go to your brother. With what objective? To "make your peace" with him. To that end, you may need to acknowledge, not deny, his hurt feelings. If you approach him with the goal of restoring peace and maintain that attitude, likely any misunderstanding can be cleared up, appropriate apologies made, and forgiveness extended. When you go out of your way to make peace, you show that you are guided by godly wisdom.
Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Reasonable, Ready to Obey"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -Conclusion of "Acquire Wisdom"-How?
A third essential is the study of God's written Word. Jehovah's wisdom is revealed in his Word. To acquire that wisdom, we must put forth the effort to dig for it. (Proverbs 2:1-5) A fourth requirement is prayer. If we sincerely ask God for wisdom, he will be generous in giving it. (James 1:5) Our prayers for the help of his spirit will not go unanswered. And his spirit can help us to solve problems, ward off danger, and make wise decisions. -Luke 11:13.
As we noted in Chapter 17, Jehovah's wisdom is practical. Hence, if we truly acquire godly wisdom, it will be evident in the way we conduct ourselves. The disciple James describe the fruits of divine wisdom when he wrote: "The wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical." (James 3:17) As we discuss each of these aspects of divine wisdom, we might ask ourselves,' is the wisdom from above at work in our life?'
Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life?-Chaste, Then Peaceable"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Acquire Wisdom"-How?
Must we have great intelligence or be highly educated in order to receive godly wisdom? No. Jehovah is willing to share his wisdom with us regardless of our background and education. ( 1 Corinthians 1:26-29) But we must take the initiative, for the Bible urges us to "acquire wisdom." (Proverbs 4:7) How can we do so?
First, we need to fear God. "The fear of Jehovah is the start of wisdom. ["the first step to wisdom," The New English Bible],"says Proverbs 9:10. Fear of God is the foundation of true wisdom. Why? Recall that wisdom involves the ability to use knowledge successfully. To fear God is, not to cower before him in terror, but to bow before him in awe, respect, and trust. Such fear is wholesome and powerfully motivating. It moves us to bring our life into harmony with the our knowledge of God's will and ways. There is no better course that we could take, for Jehovah's standards always promote the highest good for those who follow them.
Second, we must be humble and modest. God's wisdom cannot exist without humility and modesty. (Proverbs 11:2) Why is that? If we are humble and modest, we are willing to admit that we do not have all the answers, that our opinions are not always right, and that we need to know Jehovah's mind on matters. Jehovah "opposes the haughty ones," but is pleased to grant wisdom to those who are humble at heart. -James 4:6.
Next time: Is "the Wisdom From Above"at Work in Your Life? -Conclusion of "Acquire Wisdom"-How?
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Chapter 22/Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life?
IT WAS a difficult case-two women arguing over a baby. The women shared a home, and each had given birth to a son, just days apart. One of the babies had died, and now each woman claimed to be the mother of the living baby. There were no other witnesses to what had happened. The case had likely been heard in a lower court but not resolved. Finally, the dispute was taken to Solomon, the king of Israel. Would he be able to uncover the truth?
After listening for a while as the women argued, Solomon called for a sword. Then, with seeming conviction he ordered that the child be cut in two, with have given to each woman. At once, the real mother pleaded with the king to give the baby-her precious child -to the other woman. But the other woman kept insisting that the child be cut in two. Solomon now knew the truth. He had knowledge of a mother's tender compassion for the child of her womb, and he used that knowledge to settle this dispute. Imagine the mother's relief when Solomon awarded her the baby and said: "She is his mother." -1 Kings 3:16-27.
Extraordinary wisdom, was it not? When the people heard how Solomon had resolved the case, they were in awe, "for they saw that the wisdom of God was within him." Yes, Solomon's wisdom was a divine gift. Jehovah had given him"a wise and understanding heart." (1 Kings 3:12, 28) But what about us? May we too receive godly wisdom? Yes, for under inspiration, Solomon wrote: "Jehovah himself gives wisdom." (Proverbs 2:6) Jehovah promises to give wisdom-the ability to put knowledge, understanding, and discernment to good use-to those who sincerely seek it. How may we acquire wisdom from above? And how can we put it to work in our life?
Next time: Chapter 22/ Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life? -"Acquire Wisdom"-How?
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of His Way of Life
Jesus showed Godly humility in yet another important way. He was reasonable, or yielding, when mercy made this proper. Recall, for example, the time when a Gentile woman begged him to cure her badly demonized daughter. In three different ways, Jesus initially indicated that he was not going to help her-first, by refraining from answering her second, by stating directly that he had been sent forth, not to the Gentiles, but to the Jews; and third; by giving an illustration that kindly made the same point. However, the woman persisted, giving evidence of extraordinary faith. In the light of this exceptional circumstance, how did Jesus respond? He did exactly what he had indicated he would not do. He cured the woman's daughter. (Matthew 15:21-28) Remarkable humility, is it not? And remember, humility is at the root of genuine wisdom.
How thankful we can be that the Gospels reveal to us the words and actions of the wisest man who ever lived! Let us remember that Jesus was a perfect reflection of his Father. By imitating the personality, speech and ways of Jesus, we will be cultivating the wisdom from above. In the next chapter, we will see how we can put godly wisdom to work in our life.
Next time: Chapter 22/ Is "the Wisdom From Above" at Work in Your Life?
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" - Continue with His Way of Life
Jesus manifested flawless judgments in his dealings with others. His insight into human nature gave him a clear-sighted view of his disciples. He well knew that they were not perfect. Yet, he discerned their good qualities. He saw the potential in these men whom Jehovah had drawn. (John 6:44) Despite their shortcomings, Jesus showed a willingness to trust them. Demonstrating that trust, he delegated a heavy responsibility to his disciples. He commissioned them to preach the good news, and he had confidence in their ability to fulfill that commission. (Matthew 28:19, 20) The book of Acts testifies that they faithfully followed through on the work he had commanded them to do. (Acts 2:41, 42; 4:33; 5:27-32) Clearly, then, Jesus had been wise to trust them.
As we noted in Chapter 20, the Bible associates humility and mildness with wisdom. Jehovah, of course, sets the best example in this regard. But what about Jesus? It is heartwarming to see the humility Jesus showed in dealing with his disciples. As a perfect man, he was superior to them. Yet, he did not look down on his disciples. Never did he seek to make them feel inferior or incompetent. On the contrary, he was considerate of their limitations and patient with their shortcomings. (Mark 14:34-38; John 16:12) Is it not significant that even children felt at ease with Jesus? Surely they felt drawn to him because they sensed that he was "mild-tempered and lowly in heart." -Matthew 11:29; Mark 10:13-16.
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of His Way of Life
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom of God" -His Way of Life
Note: So sorry for my mistakes here in the title the last three times. I normally check if I don't remember, but I forgot. I am after all an imperfect human and I do make mistakes. Again, I apologize.
A third area is which Jesus reflected Jehovah's wisdom was his manner of life. Wisdom is practical: it works. "Who among you is wise?" asked the disciple James. Then he answered his own question, saying: "Let his right conduct give practical proof of it." (James 3:13, The New English Bible) The way Jesus conducted himself gave "practical proof" that he was governed by divine wisdom. Let us consider how he demonstrated sound judgment, both in his way of life and in his dealings with others.
Have you noticed that people who lack good judgment often go to the extremes? Yes, it takes wisdom to be balanced. Reflecting godly wisdom, Jesus had perfect balance. Above all else, he gave spiritual things first place in his life. He was extremely occupied with the work of declaring the good news. "It is for this purpose that I have gone out," he said. (Mark 1:38) Naturally, material things were not of primary importance to him; it seems that he had very little materially. (Matthew 8:20) However, he was not an ascetic. Like his Father, "the happy God," Jesus was a joyful person, and he added to the joy of others. (1 Timothy 1:11; 6:15) When he attended a wedding feast-typically and event marked by music, singing, and rejoicing-he was not there to cast a pall over the occasion. When the wine ran out, he turned water into fine wine, a beverage that "makes the heart of mortal man rejoice." (Psalm 104:15; John 2:1-11) Jesus accepted many invitations to meals, and he often used such occasions to teach. -Luke 10:38-42; 14:1-6.
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom of God" -Continue with His Way of Life
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of His Manner of Teaching
Jesus sometimes combined methods by weaving thought-provoking questions into his illustrations. When a Jewish lawyer asked Jesus what was required to gain everlasting life, Jesus referred him to the Mosaic Law, which commands love of God and neighbor. Wanting to proved himself righteous, the man asked: "Who really is my neighbor? Jesus answered by telling a story. A certain Jewish man was traveling alone when he was assaulted by robbers, who left him half dead. Along came two Jews, first a priest and then a Levite. Both ignored him. But then a certain Samaritan came upon the scene. Moved with pity, he gently dressed the victim's woulds and lovingly carried the man to the safety of an inn where he could recover. Concluding the story, Jesus asked his inquirer: "Who of these three seems to you to have made himself a neighbor to the man that fell among the robbers?" The man was compelled to answer: "the one that acted mercifully toward him. -Luke 10:25-37.
How does the parable reflect the wisdom of Jesus? In Jesus' day, the Jews applied the term "neighbor" only to those who kept their traditions-certainly not to Samaritans. (John 4:9) Had Jesus told the story with a Samaritan victim and a Jewish helper, would that have overturned the prejudice? Jesus wisely framed the story so that a Samaritan tenderly cared for a Jew. Notice, too, the question Jesus asked at the end of the story. He shifted the focus of the term "neighbor." The lawyer, had in effect, asked 'Who should be the object of my neighborly love?' But Jesus asked:c"Who of these three seems to you to have himself neighbor?" Jesus focused, not on the one who received the kindness,the victim, but on the one who showed the kindness, the Samaritan. A true neighbor takes the initiative to show love to others regardless of their ethnic background. Jesus could hardly have made his point more effectively.
Is it any wonder that people were astounded at Jesus' "way of teaching" and were drawn to him? (Matthew 7:28, 29) On one occasion "a big crowd" remained near him for three days, even going without food! -Mark 8:1, 2.
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -His Way of Life
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" Continue with His Manner of Teaching
Jesus often used parables. short stories from which moral or spiritual truths are drawn. Since stories are easier to grasp and remember than abstract ideas, the parables helped to preserve Jesus' teaching. In many parables, Jesus described his Father with vivid word pictures that could not easily be forgotten. For example, who cannot comprehend the point of the parable of the prodigal son-that when one who has gone astray shows genuine repentance, Jehovah will feel pity and tenderly accept that one back? -Luke 15:11-32.
Skillful use of questions. Jesus used questions to get his listeners to arrive at their own conclusions, examine their motives, or make decisions. (Matthew 12:24-30; 17:24-27; 22:41-46) When the religious leaders questioned whether he had God-given authority, Jesus replied: "Was the baptism by John from heaven or from men?" Stunned by the question,they reasoned among themselves: "If we say, 'From heaven,' he will say to us, 'Why, then, did you now believe him?' If, though, we say 'From men,' we have the crowd to fear, for they all hold John as a prophet." Finally they answered: "We do not kn ow." (Mark 11:27-33; Matthew 21:23-27) With a simple question, Jesus left them speechless and revealed the treachery in their hearts.
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of His Manner of Teaching
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -His Manner of Teaching
A second area in which Jesus reflected God's wisdom was his manner of teaching. On one occasion, some soldiers who had been sent to arrest him returned empty-handed, saying: "Never has another man spoken like this." ( John 7:45, 46) This was no exaggeration. Of all the humans who have ever lived, Jesus, who was "from the realms above," had the greatest reservoir of knowledge and experience from which to draw. (John 8:23) He truly taught as no other human could teach. Consider just two of the methods of this wise Teacher.
Effective use of illustration."Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations," we are told. "Indeed without an illustration he would not speak to them." (Matthew 13:34) We cannot help but marvel at his matchless ability to teach profound truths through the everyday things. Farmers planting seeds, women preparing to bake bread, children playing in the marketplace, fishermen hauling in nets, shepherds searching for lost sheep-these were things his listeners had seen many times. When important truths are tied in with familiar things, such truths are etched quickly and deeply on the mind and heart. -Matthew 11:16-19; 13:3-8, 33, 47-50;18:12-14.
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" - Continue with His Manner of Teaching
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of What He Taught
Listen as Jesus reasons convincingly. Since Jehovah has given us life and a body, can he not provide food to sustain that life and raiment to clothe that body? (Verse 25) If God provides Birds with food and he clothes flowers with beauty, how much more will he care for his human worshipers! (Verses 26. 28-300) Really, undue anxiety is pointless anyway. It cannot extend our life even by a fraction. (Verse 27) How can we avoid anxiety? Jesus counsels us: "Continue giving worship of God priority in life. Those who do so can be confident that all their daily needs "will be added" to them by their heavenly Father. (Verse 33) Finally, Jesus give a most practical suggestion-take one day at a time. Why add tomorrow's anxieties to those of today? (Verse 34) Besides, why worry unduly about things that may never happen? Applying such wise counsel can spare us much heartache in this stressful world.
Clearly, the counsel Jesus provided is as practical today as it was when it was given nearly 2,000 years ago. Is that not evidence of wisdom from above? Even the best advice from human counselors tends to become outdated and is soon revised or replaced. The teachings of Jesus, however have stood the test of time. But that should not surprise us, for this Wonderful Counselor spoke "the sayings of God." -John 3:34.
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -His Manner of Teaching
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -What He Taught
First, consider what Jesus taught. The theme of his message was "the good news of the kingdom." (Luke 4:43) That was highly important because of the role of the Kingdom would play in vindicating Jehovah's sovereignty and in bring lasting blessings to mankind. In his teaching, Jesus also offered wise counsel for everyday living. He proved himself to be the foretold "Wonderful Counselor." (Isaiah 9:6) Indeed, how could his counsel be anything but wonderful? He had a profound knowledge of God's Word and will, a keen understanding of human nature, and a deep love for humankind. Hence, his counsel was always practical and in the best interests of his listeners, Jesus uttered "sayings of everlasting life." Yes, when followed, his counsel leads to salvation. -John 6:68.
The Sermon on the Mount is an outstanding example of the unparalleled wisdom found in the teachings of Jesus. This sermon, as recorded in Matthew 5:3-7:27, would likely take only 20 minutes to deliver. Its counsel, however, is timeless-as relevant today as when it was first given. Jesus covered a wide range of subjects, including how to improve relations with others. ( 5:23-26, 38-42; 7:1-5, 12), how to keep morally clean ( 5:27-32), and how to live a meaningful life. (6:19-24; 7:24-27), But Jesus did more than just tell his listeners what the course of wisdom is; he showed them by explaining, reasoning, and offering proof.
Consider, for example, Jesus' wise counsel on how to deal with anxiety about material things, as stated in Matthew chapter 6. "Stop being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or what you will drink, or about your bodies as to what you will wear," Jesus advises us. (verse 25) Food and clothing are basic necessities, and it is only natural to be concerned about obtaining these. But Jesus tells us to "stop being anxious" about such things. Why?
Next time: Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -Conclusion of What He Taught
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
Chapter 21/Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God"
THE audience was stunned. The young man Jesus was standing before them in the synagogue and teaching. He was no stranger them-he had grown up in their city, and for years he had worked among them as a carpenter. Perhaps some of them lived in houses that Jesus had helped to build, or may they worked their land with plows and yokes that He had made with his own hands. But how would they respond to the teaching of this former carpenter?
Most of those listening were astounded, asking "Where did this man get this wisdom?" But they also remarked: "This is the son of Mary." (Matthew 13:54-58; Mark 6:1-3) Sadly, Jesus' onetime neighbor reasoned, 'This carpenter is just a local man like us.' Despite the wisdom in his words, they rejected him. Little did they know that the wisdom he shared was not his own.
Where did Jesus get this wisdom? "What I teach is not mine," he said, "but belongs to him that sent me." (John 10:30) The apostle Paul explained that Jesus "has become to us wisdom from God." (1 Corinthians 1:30) Jehovah's own wisdom is revealed through his Son, Jesus. Indeed, this was true to such an extent that Jesus could say: "I an the Father are one." (John 10:30) Let us examine three areas in which Jesus manifested the "wisdom from God."
Next time: Chapter 21/ Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God" -What He Taught
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble -Conclusion of How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness
Jehovah is just as mild and reasonable in his dealings with his servants today. When we pray in faith, he listens. And even though he does not send angelic messengers to speak to us, we should not conclude that our prayers go unanswered by him. Recall that when the apostle Paul asked fellow believers to "carry on prayer" for his release from prison, he added: "That I may be restored to you the sooner." (Hebrews 13:18, 19) So our prayers may actually move Jehovah to do what he might not have done otherwise! -James 5:16.
Of course none of these manifestations of Jehovah's humility-his mildness, his willingness to listen, his patience, his reasonableness-mean that Jehovah compromises his righteous principles. The clergy of Christendom may think that they are being reasonable when they tickle the ears of their flocks by watering down Jehovah's moral standards. (2 Timothy 4:3) But the human tendency to compromise for the sake of expediency has nothing to do with divine reasonableness. Jehovah is holy, never will he pollute his righteous standards. (Leviticus 11:44) Let us thing, love Jehovah's reasonableness for what it is-a proof of his humility. Do you not thrill to think that Jehovah God, the wisest Being in the universe, is also sublimely humble? What a delight to draw close to this awesome yet mild, patient, reasonable God!
Next time: Chapter 21/ Jesus Reveals the "Wisdom From God"
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble -Continue with How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness
It is instructive to compare how Jehovah reacted with how Jonah reached to this turn of events. In this instance, Jehovah adapted, causing himself to become a Forgiver of sins instead of "a manly person of war." (Exodus 15:3) Jonah,on the other hand, was inflexible and far less merciful. Rather than reflecting Jehovah's reasonableness, he responded more like the freight train or the supertanker mentioned earlier. He had proclaimed doom, so doom it must be! Patiently, though, Jehovah taught his impatient prophet a memorable lesson in reasonableness and mercy. -Jonah, chapter 4.
Finally, Jehovah is reasonable in what he expects of us. Kind David said: "He himself well knows the formation of us, remembering that we are dust." (Psalm 103:14) Jehovah understands our limitations and our imperfections better than we ourselves do. He never expects of us more than we can do. The Bible contrasts those who are "hard to please." (1 Peter 2:18) Which type of Master is Jehovah? Note what Proverbs 19:17 says: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah." Clearly, only a good and reasonable master would take note of every acts of kindness performed in behalf of lowly ones. More than that, this scripture suggests that the Creator of the universe, in effect, views himself as indebted to the mere humans who perform such deeds of mercy! Here is humility of the most profound kind.
Next time: "Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble-Conclusion of How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"Wises in Heart"-Yet Humble -How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness
Consider again the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot and his family received explicit instructions from Jehovah's angel: "Escape to the mountainous region." However, this did not appeal to Lot, "Not that, please, Jehovah!" he begged. Convinced that he would die if he had to flee to the mountains, Lot pleaded that he and his family be allowed to flee to a nearby city named Zoar. Now, Jehovah had intended to destroy that city. Furthermore, Lot's fears had no real basis. Surely Jehovah could preserve Lot alive in the mountains! Nonetheless, Jehovah yielded to Lot's pleas and spared Zoar. "Here I do show you consideration to this extent also," the angle told Lot. (Genesis 19:17-22) Was that not reasonable on Jehovah's part?
Jehovah also responds to heartfelt repentance, always doing what is merciful and right. Consider what occurred when the prophet Jonah was sent to the wicked, violent city of Nineveh. When Jonah marched through the streets of Nineveh, the inspired message he proclaimed was quite simple: The mighty city would be destroyed in 40 days. However, circumstances changed dramatically. The Ninevites repented! -Jonah, chapter 3.
Next time: "Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble -Continue with How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness.
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble - Jehovah Is Reasonable
Jehovah's humility is manifest in yet another beautiful quality-reasonableness. This quality is sadly lacking among imperfect humans. Not only is Jehovah willing to yield when there is no conflict with righteous principles. As used in the Bible, the word "reasonable" literally means "yielding." This quality too is a hallmark of divine wisdom. James 3:17 says: "The wisdom from above is . . .reasonable." In what sense is the all-wise Jehovah reasonable? For one thing, he is adaptable. Remember, his very name teaches us that Jehovah causes himself to become whatever is needed in order to fulfill his purposes. (Exodus 3:14) Does that not indicate a spirit of adaptability and reasonableness?
There is a remarkable Bible passage that helps us to begin to grasp Jehovah's adaptability. The prophet Ezekiel was given a vision of Jehovah's heavenly organization of spirit creatures. He saw a chariot of awe-inspiring proportions, Jehovah's own "vehicle" always under His control. Most interesting was the way that it moved. The giant wheels were four-sided and full of eyes so that they could see everywhere and could change direction instantly, without stopping or turning. And this gigantic chariot did not have to lumber along like an unwieldy man-made vehicle. It could move at the speed of lightning, even making right-angled turns! (Ezekiel 1:1, 14-28) Yes, Jehovah's organization, like the almighty Sovereign in control of it, is supremely adaptable, responsive to the ever-changing situations and needs it must address.
Humans can only try to imitate such perfect adaptability. All too often, though, humans and their organizations are more rigid than adaptable, more unreasonable, than unyielding. To illustrate: a supertanker or a freight train might be awesome in terms of size and power. But can either one respond to sudden changes in circumstance? If an obstacle falls across the tracks in front of a freight train, turning is out of the question. Sudden stops are not much easier. A heavy freight train may take over a mile to stop after the brakes are applied! Similarly, a supertanker may coast onward for five miles after the engines are shut off. Even if the engines are thrown into reverse, the tanker may still plow on for two miles! It is similar with human organizations that are prone to rigidity and unreasonableness. Because of pride, men often refuse to adapt to changing needs and circumstances. Such rigidity has bankrupted corporations and even toppled governments. (Proverbs 16:18) How happy we can be that neither Jehovah nor his organization is anything like that!
Next time: "Wise in Heart"- Yet Humble - How Jehovah Displays Reasonableness
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble - Conclusion of Jehovah Humbly Delegates and Listens
Jehovah is even willing to listen to imperfect humans who desire to express their concerns. For instance, when Jehovah first told Abraham of His intentions to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, that faithful man was puzzled. "It is unthinkable of you," Abraham said, adding: "Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right? " He asked whether Jehovah would spare the cities if 50 righteous men could be found there. Jehovah assured him that He would. But Abraham asked again, lowering the number to 45, then 40, and so on. Despite Jehovah's assurances Abraham persisted until the number was as low as ten. Perhaps Abraham did not yet fully grasp how merciful Jehovah is. At any rate, Jehovah patiently and humbly allowed his friend and servant Abraham to express his concerns in this way. -Genesis 18:23-33.
How many brilliant, learned humans would listen so patiently to a person of vastly inferior intelligence? Such is the humility of our God. During the same interchange, Abraham also came to see that Jehovah is "slow to anger." (Exodus 34:6) Perhaps realizing that he had no right to question the doings of the Most High, Abraham twice begged: "May Jehovah, please, no grow hot with anger." (Genesis 18:30, 32) Of course, Jehovah did not. He truly does have the "mildness that belongs to wisdom."
Next time:"Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble - Jehovah Is Reasonable
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
"Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble - Jehovah Humbly Delegates and Listens
There is heartwarming proof of Jehovah's humility in his willingness to delegate responsibility and to listen. That he does so at all is amazing; Jehovah has no need for assistance or counsel. (Isaiah 40:13, 14; Romans 11:34, 35) Nonetheless, the Bible repeatedly shows us that Jehovah condescends in these ways.
Consider, for example, an outstanding event in the life of Abraham. Abraham had three visitors, one of whom he addressed as "Jehovah." The visitors were actually angels, but one of them came in Jehovah's name and was acting in His name. When that angel spoke and acted, it was, in effect, Jehovah speaking and acting. By this means, Jehovah told Abraham that He had heard a loud "cry of complaint about Sodom and Gomorrah." Jehovah stated: "I am quite determined to go down that I may see whether they act altogether according to the outcry over it hat has come to me, and, if not, I can get to know it." (Genesis 18:3, 20, 21) Of course, Jehovah's message did not mean that the Almighty would "go down" in person. Rather, he again sent angels to represent him. (Genesis 19:1) Why? Could the all-seeing Jehovah not "get to know," he true condition of that region on his own? Certainly. But instead, Jehovah humbly gave those angels the assignment to investigate the situation and to visit Lot and his family in Sodom.
Furthermore, Jehovah listens. He once asked his angles to suggest various ways to bring about the downfall of wicked King Ahab. Jehovah did not need such help. Yet, he accepted the suggestion of one angel and commissioned him to follow through on it. (1 Kings 22:19-22) What that not humble?
Next time: "Wise in Heart"-Yet Humble - Conclusion of Jehovah Humbly Delegates and Listens
From the book: Draw Close to Jehovah
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